Word of the Day - Phenomenon

Brian R.

Have you heard of this word before? Basically, a phenomenon is something that we can observe and it exists or happens but cannot necessarily be explained. Haha, got it?

Here is an easier definition:

A remarkable person, thing, or event. Thank you google!

Here is how it is used:

"Glaciers are natural phenomena." (plural form of phenomenon).

"The northern lights are a beautiful phenomenon."

"Ichiro Suzuki is a baseball phenom." (short for phenomenon and commonly used to describe great people)

"Phenomenology is the study of phenomena."

Similar words to phenomenon are:

Marvel, sensation, wonder, prodigy, miracle, rarity.

This word is rarely used, but try and find an opportunity to practice it in your next conversation! You can also go to google images and search "phenomenon" and cool images will come up.

I hope you enjoyed learning this word. For great vocabualry lessons, check out my profile!

See you soon!

Brian R.

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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