TEDxTalks: One young man's unique education, "Hackschooling"

Eby イビ

Hello students!

I have an interesting video to share with you today. Do you remember when we talked about “homeschooling” in the Quick Response and Random Questions lessons? (Home + schooling, or home education, when U.S. parents teach their children at home themselves instead of using the traditional school system.)

I found a popular TEDxTalks speech about homeschooling. The speaker is a very young man with some unique ideas about education; he decided to call his home education, “Hackschooling.” It’s really interesting! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h11u3vtcpaY . I hope you enjoy hearing about his unique education.

See you soon!

Eby イビ


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  • sakochan

    Hi Eby sensei, I can't believe I missed this column! Now I watched the video and I was impressed. I agree with this boy (you called him "a young man", shouldn't I call him "a boy"?) in the way that the most important thing is to be happy and healthy. But when we think of education for that, the difficult point is that what is happy depends on each person. So there is not only one way, I think. I just hope that my children will be happy by themselves in the future without depending on their surroundings.

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