木曜日10月25日 ~ Useful suggestions 4 ...


Does the task of learning English seem overwhelming? Fear not! Just like how a baby learns to walk, you need to take things step-by-step. These things will get you on the road to fluent English...

Start with a Smile
No matter what your level of English is, a pinch of confidence can go a long way! To become fluent in English, you must be willing to take a few risks, and that requires courage. A confident speaker with a smile can create a great ‘first impression’, even if a few mistakes are made along the way.

Memorize More than Words
Do you know tonnes of vocabulary but have no idea how to use the words? Try learning phrases or whole sentences to give you a fuller understanding of their meaning. This will give you many more tools for communication ~ learn phrases!

Listen to Learn
When listening to English radio, news or films/movies, try to analyse what you hear. As English is filled with idioms, it really helps to keep a notebook to write down new phrases and words. If you are speaking to a native speaker, make note of the way they use certain words. Learning from their natural speech will let you move out of textbook-English and into the real world of natural-speaking.

Exercise those Vocal Cords
It's time to go to the gym and start a workout routine for your voice! If you have no-one to talk to, try reading out loud, describing pictures in magazines or objects in your room. You can also recite lines from plays and speeches or practice presenting an argument. Remember the only way to feel comfortable speaking is to practice, so use that voice!

Take Up Modeling
Model’ the speech patterns of native speakers. Stress and intonation are key aspects of English, and affect the meaning of what you say. So whip out a DVD and have the remote handy. Practice listening to and repeating the words of the actors at a natural pace, which in English means fast! This will not only speed up your speech but also your progress on the path to your fluency.

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英语   母语程度
日语   接近母语程度
法语   日常会话程度
德语   日常会话程度
荷兰语   只能说一点
西班牙语   只能说一点


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