Saturday at last!


So you are exhausted from a busy week and wish you could stay in bed all day. But you know you shouldn't waste time – you ought to get up and study English. If only there was a way to do both … 

But there is! In fact, there are a number of ways to practice and study English while laying in bed...

Turn up the radio

If your city has a fun English or bilingual radio show, put it on in the morning to help you wake up. The cheerful voices and music will get your day off to a great start. Listen to the DJ introduce the songs and try to understand what he/she says. Remember that learning English doesn't have to be boring ~ finding fun and practical ways to improve your listening is a great key to staying motivated. If you do it often, one day you might wake up to excellent listening skills!

Lose yourself in a book

Nothing beats kicking back (relaxing) in bed with a good book. The key is that you've got to enjoy what you read! Whether it's a best-selling novel or an exciting comic book, read something at your level that interests you. Articles or books that are too dry or too difficult will put you back to sleep! By reading something enjoyable, you are having fun as well as inputting thousands of correct English sentences into your brain. Remember to keep a dictionary and notebook on your bed-side table to look up and record difficult words and passages.

Go to class

Next time you don't feel like getting out of bed, grab a laptop and go to class in your pajamas!


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英语   母语程度
日语   接近母语程度
法语   日常会话程度
德语   日常会话程度
荷兰语   只能说一点
西班牙语   只能说一点


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