
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

David 讲师的专栏

My family :-)


I am so proud of my family and what they have achieved. I spoke to them briefly by email earlier and so I felt like posting this.


This picture was taken minutes after we completed our first ultramarathon together. We used to fight like crazy when we were younger! We really didn't get along and rarely spoke, but as we got older we have become the best of friends. We may seem EXTREMELY different from the outside, in that my brother is 100% focused on business and making money, whereas I am more about having fun and adventures - but inside we are both the same.

He lives with his wonderful fiance Sarah (as seen in the photo above) and their two cats (mother and daughter) - Khaleesi and Heidi. Although he works very hard all day and night (literally!!!!), he still has time to focus on Ironman triathlons, and is very close to qualifiying for 'TEAM GB' (the Great Britain team). 

He runs two businesses which he set up himself from scratch (with no help), and has been extremely successful despite only being in his early thirties. He may appear tough and cold on the outside - but he loves his family more than anything, and recently proposed to Sarah on Christmas day (sadly I was in Japan and missed this occassion!)



Sadly my Grandad passed away from bowel cancer just before  I left for Japan.

I ran 100 miles (162km) and came 4th place in this ultramarathon - raising thousands of pounds for the care home which looked after him in his final weeks. 

I was born and raised in England, but have been living in Japan for the past 7 months and feel spiritually 'at home here'.

My family may be from various parts of the world, but they would NEVER treat anyone differently due to where they are from. They always welcome others with open arms, and offer whatever they have to others, despite the way they may have been treated in the past.

My Mum is Chinese, my Dad is English, and my Grandmother is part Italian.

It doesn't matter what background we come from, how many degrees and qualifications we have, or what life experiences we have had - there is no excuse for racism, and to hold negative feelings towards someone based on their ethnicity, race or creed is idiotic and inexcusable. 


I am a highly experienced professional English teacher, Yoga Instructor, Tai Chi teacher, Nutrition Consultant and Personal Trainer from London, UK. I recently left London to work and travel around Japan on a Working Holiday Visa with my best friend and longtime girlfriend Ashley (who is also a teacher on Cafetalk : https://cafetalk.com/tutors/profile/?id=54542&lang=en ). We love sharing adventures travelling, teaching, exploring and understanding new cultures. We hope to speak with you soon!

If you would like to follow my travels on instagram, and see where we are in the world you can do so here:

https://www.instagram.com/pb_fitness_zen_yoga/?hl=en - My personal page


https://www.instagram.com/thisnihonlife/ - The travel page for my girlfriend and I

Please check out my lessons if you are interested in learning real, authentic British English, or have an interest in Yoga, healthy eating or general health and fitness.


Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions, or if you would like to schedule a lesson at a time in which my schedule is not open. I will always do my best to accomodate every student.

