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Basic Vocal Training
If you want to be a better singer, you need to master the fundamentals. Posture, arm weakness and good breath support are required.25 分钟 1,600 点 -
Let’s Sing Beethoven’s 9th Symphony~♪♪
Let’s sing Beethoven’s 9th, a song that reminds us of the end of the year in Japan.30 分钟 2,000 点 -
Sing Classical Japanese Songs♪
The more we sing songs in foreign languages, the more we forget about classical Japanese songs. Let's learn to sing them and pass our heritage on to future generations.40 分钟 3,100 点 -
Sing a Lied in German♪
Vocal music isn't just Italian! If you like classical music, I'm sure you love Schubert's songs!45 分钟 3,500 点 -
Sing Concone 50♪
The first thing you learn when you start vocal music is this Concone 50.45 分钟 3,000 点提供试听 -
Sing Classical Italian Songs♪
You will acquire the basics of singing first, and then sing classical Italian songs using the skills you've learned.45 分钟 3,300 点提供试听 -
Choir Exercises
Special lesson in choir exercises that are necessary for taking lessons at a music college or high school.25 分钟 1,800 点