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Free Talking
Just talking in English about anything the student wants to talk about :D50 分鐘 1,000 點 -
Free talking in Korean!
It will be a lesson on just freely talking in Korean about anything you want to talk about~^^40 分鐘 900 點 -
Getting to know pronounciation
Having trouble pronouncing some words? Ask away how to pronounce them and repeat it with me :D50 分鐘 1,000 點 -
Korean through K-POP
In this lessson, we will be talking about K-POP! We will discuss the meaning of the lyrics as a whole and then separately by vocabulary!30 分鐘 600 點 -
Korean through K-Drama
Have you been curious to know if the subtitles in the K-dramas are correct? Well, let's talk about it and find out! :D30 分鐘 600 點