This is a counseling/First session before you take my lesson. Let's talk about what you want to learn, what you want to focus on, or anything you want! ///レッスン を はじめる まえ の カウンセリング です。 あなた が べんきょう したい こと を おしえて ください。レッスン に ついて しつもん が あれば、 なんでも きいて ください。
カウンセリング・そうだん の セッション です。
- わたし の レッスン に ついて ききたい こと が ある。
- じぶん の レベル を しりたい。
- にほんご の べんきょう を したい けれど、 なに から はじめたら いいか わからない。
こんな ひと に おすすめ です。
わたし と はなして、 あなた に あった レッスン を いっしょ に えらびましょう。
セッション の ないよう:
◎レベル チェック
* にほんご の レベル を チェック します
◎レッスン・レッスン スタイル に ついて
* なに を どんな スタイル で べんきょう したい ですか?
◎わたし の おすすめ レッスン
This is a counseling session.
If you...
- have some questions about my lessons
- want to know your Japanese level
- want to learn Japanese but don't know where to start
spend 20 mins with me! I will answer all your questions.
level check
* just to see where you are, what you need to focus on
recommended lessons style
* WHAT and HOW do want to study? let's find out together!
recommended lessons
- 随时可以取消。
- 课程时间前 2 小时內→ 收取 50% 课程费用为取消费。
- 缺席→ 收取 100% 课程费用为取消费。
Just Want to Talk!casual ver.
Perfect for beginners who just want to learn how to talk! You will learn CASUAL Japanese in this lesson. No writing or reading!40 分钟 1,200 点提供试听 -
You learned your Hiragana. That's great! Your next step is.... learning KATAKANA!25 分钟 1,000 点 -
Basic Vocabulary
If you already know hiragana and katakana, then your next step is vocabulary! Let's learn some basic words and expand your vocabulary!30 分钟 1,000 点 -
Master Reading and Writing!
Perfect for people who can read and write HIRAGANA and KATAKANA! Your next step is KANJI! You get to learn new words, correct pronunciation, and kanji every time!30 分钟 1,000 点 -
Boost your Listening Power! Japanese Folktale ver.
Do you want to improve your listening? This lesson is perfect for that! Using Japanese folktale video, you can boost your listening power!30 分钟 2,000 点提供试听 -
Boost your Listening Power! Anime ver.
Do you want to improve your listening? This lesson is perfect for that! Using anime, you can boost your listening power!30 分钟 2,000 点 -
Let's talk!
Why not practice your Japanese by talking to me? We can talk anything you want! Don't worry about making mistakes! Just relax and talk :)40 分钟 1,200 点提供试听 -
Let's talk! +note
Why not practice your Japanese by talking to me? We can talk anything you want! Don't worry about making mistakes! Just relax and talk :) This is perfect for someone who wants to review all the new words after the lesson.40 分钟 2,400 点 -
Custom lesson★YOUR LESSON
Curriculum will be customized just for YOU. Let me know what YOU want to do!50 分钟 2,800 点