Anming Alexander Accent Reduction & Pronunciation
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Accent Reduction & Pronunciation

30 分鐘
Technical focus - not a conversation class


This course is an affordable and flexible alternative to formal accent reduction classes which can be very expensive. 

We will train the mouth, jaw, and tongue to make the sounds of standard American English. It's technical re-training, so it requires patience, a positive attitude, and independent practice outside of class. Training English pronunciation requires a lot of repetition. 

The objective is to make your speech sound as close to native as possible. 

Accent Reduction & Pronunciation is great for all levels, even beginners. Actually, you should train pronunciation as early as you can, even before fluency if possible. The reason is, the more you practice incorrectly, the more difficult it becomes to re-train your habits later. 

This course includes initial and ongoing assessments to identify challeging sounds. It's perfect for anyone who wants to sound more native. 

Written feedback, resources, and corrections will be given and discussed during the lesson. No additional feedback will be provided using the after-class *CafeTalk feedback* format. 



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  • 課程時間前 1 小時內→ 收取 100% 課程費用為取消費。
  • 課程時間前 12~1 小時→ 收取 50% 課程費用為取消費。
  • 缺席→ 收取 100% 課程費用為取消費。


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