This is an orientation lesson for first-time students. Let's check your English level, talk about your goals, and decide which of my lessons is a good fit for you! Don't be afraid or shy to talk. See me as a friend.
A problem shared is a problem solved
Doubting your partner? This is counseling meeting on creating true artistry of living, your best life and becoming irresistible to your mate.
Are you a parent? Is parenting a challenge? Come and find out different ways that can help make parenting a success.
・こんな悩みでもいいの? どんな悩み、相談でもかまいません! ・・話し相手がほしかっただけでもいい? はい!喜んで!! ・とにかく愚痴らせて! 気が済むまで吐き出してください!(時間内) どんなお悩み、ご相談でもかまいません 自分を変えたい 夢・目標を達成したい 人とうまく関われるようになりたい やりたいことが何かわからない 就職活動がうまくいかない マイナス思考を変えたい 先延ばしにしてしまう 自信をつけたい 心を強くしたい 習慣を変えたい アダルト・チル
Do you want someone to talk to or ask for advice on life in Japan?
If your problem is urgent, I will try to drop everything and assist. We will address career, relationship, financial problems, sorrow, despair and loneliness
Get your worries off your chest by voicing them out loud! You will feel better afterwards.
最佳課程獎票選評價 2024 年秋冬最佳課程獎 →
Vera V
John 1
James Spurr
Ryoko koko
Moira English