"Speaking Practice with Different Topics "
Have fun while learning Spanish through images! Remember: a picture is worth a thousand words. Describing the images will make your brain think and recall in Spanish. We'll chat and learn together in an entertaining way!
たくさん日本語でおしゃべりしましょう! 会話練習を重ねれば、言葉がすらすらと出てくるようになりますよ。 レッスン後のフィードバックファイルはありません。
spanish lesson intermediate level
カフェトークアワード大賞受賞レッスン (パックVer.)!あなたの話す力も同時に引き上げましょう!ここだけ知りたい!単発レッスンや宿題なしのゆったりレッスンなど、学習スタイル・レベルに合わせて丁寧に説明します。楽しく続けられるアイデアも色々です♪全レベル対象★
This is a quick conversation :) It should be interesting!
様々なテーマで表現力を向上させ、実用的な韓国語の実力を身につけます。 (다양한 주제로 표현력을 향상시키고, 실용적인 한국어 실력을 익힙니다. )
Provins: medieval castle, fragrant roses and food delicacies
More time to practice your spoken Russian, improve your fluency and enhance your vocabulary!
Siete indecisi e non sapete quale lezione prenotare? Avete bisogno di suggerimenti e consigli? Questa lezione è una lezione di prova. This lesson is a trial lesson and its main goal is to guide you! It's useful for new students.
じゆうな トピックで 30ぷん おはなししましょう☆ Let's talk on your favorite topic for 30mins.
Critical thinking, fluency, and vocabulary... 論理的な考え方、流暢さ、語彙力を向上させたい方へ
最佳课程奖票选评价 2024 年秋冬最佳课程奖 →
Minami F
Teacher Rew
Kara Bird
Dunya D
Kelly J Teacher