Let's write a diary in Japanese, and talk about your day!
This lesson is a guide to speaking and pronouncing American English for everyone who speaks English as a second language. I'm going to teach you the fundamentals of learning the American Accent such as pronunciation, intonation, word stress, and linking.
JLPT N1合格 ! 可用4堂课的价钱上5堂课
Love reading and want to talk about it? Then this course is for you.
Do you want to become good at speaking Japanese? Learn to speak "perapera" (fluently) in this class. にほんごを もっと じょうずに はなしたい ですか? You don't have a confidence to speak Japanese fluently with native Japanese speaker? かいわに じしんが ないですか?
This course will help you become familiar with the mode and type of questions of the HSK test. The course will assist you in understanding the test’s contents and focuses, as well as master test-taking strategies. The course is essential to helping you pa
少し長めの長文を聴いて、主旨をつかむにはちょっとしたコツと英語独特の音とリズムに慣れる必要があります。 シャドーイング→reproductionと、 翻訳学校で学ぶ過程を取り入れて、リスニング力を鍛えましょう。また、長文問題や英作文の背景を知る上でも、応用の利くトピックがブンタンにはたくさん詰まっています。
Try this Intensive Conversational Practice Lesson Pack which comprises 6 lessons of 25-minutes each in one lesson pack. This lesson pack focuses on everyday topics of conversation.
Let's enhance your vocabulary by learning words, phrasal verbs and expressions that are used in a specific situation.
最佳课程奖票选评价 2024 年秋冬最佳课程奖 →
Bradley Anderson
Jack in Japan
Rena Taiwan
Healing Counselor Sets