Do you want your child to learn English or need help with homework?
Do you want to practice English but on a tight schedule? You might want to book this lesson and be able to practice daily.
Lesson to test if we can reach your goal together or having just funny times with French conversation 目的について
Voice training+英語の発音+英訳+リズムのノリ、曲の表現など全て一緒に、ご指導いたします、スタンダードジャズ、ゴスペル、ポップミュージック、ボサノヴァ、ブルースなど、日本語の曲も大歓迎。
A package of 4 lessons on Italian cuisine in a month: recipes, procedures, idea menù
Learn essential Bulgarian to navigate cities, sights, and local culture with ease!
Would you be interested in traditional Japanese music? Let’s study the history and features of gagaku, koto, biwa, shamisen, etc.!
Cover specific language skills when you guide tours Learn to speak with tourists and ask the right questions.
子供に新しい楽しみを、感性を、大人の方にも落ち着いた時間を 作ってあげましょう!
はじめてイタリア語を勉強される方。 イタリア語をすでに勉強をされている方で、ご自分のレベルに合ったレッスンをお探しの方。 体験(相談)レッスンを受けてみませんか?
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Izumi W
Teacher Judy
Emi Mori
Megan Wilson
Phillip Knott
kasumi yoga
Thomas the Teacher