This course is specially designed for beginners in French (level A0 - A2). It includes learning the alphabet, sounds, basic grammar rules, and the conjugation of verbs in the present, imperfect, and future tenses."
To know about you and your goal.
You can take any lesson with this pack. You can mix and match based on what you like :)
国際交流基金の「いろどり 生活の日本語」「まるごと 日本のことばと文化」という教科書を使ってたくさん聞いたり話したりします。
短時間でフランス語を一緒に楽しく学びましょう! Etudions le français ensemble en 25mn !
You can take any 50 min lesson with this pack. You can mix and match based on what you like :)
Take lessons regularly to improve your piano performance! Students with at least a year of piano experience can request this lesson pack.
This is those who want their kids to take English lesson regularly.
Learn how to play the piano with fun! This lesson is for children who are at the age of, or younger than 12.
For those experienced students who are eager to learn!!
最佳课程奖票选评价 2024 年秋冬最佳课程奖 →
Gem C
Pilar Barrera
Arturo Sensei
Jane M.
tarot YURIA