想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,有趣,能放松学习,适合集中突击学习,教材充实,内容充实,课程完毕后的对应很充实,对应殷勤周到,配合各种学习水平,能用日语讲解,能用英语讲解 |
希望的课程时间 |
Hello, English teachers! :)
I have been teaching music and English for years
since I graduated from a university in Japan.
Now, I want to make You Tube videos for students.
I am looking for someone who can do a voice-over on my channel.
Though my channel is not open yet,
I want to use your voice for only educational purposes.
I have a text and I will send it to you.
The text is not long and it includes 200 English words.
I want you to read each word in normal speed and faster speed.
We don't have to meet in person.
If you want to do it, just record your voice and send it to me.
I am planning to edit it by myself.
I can offer 1000yen for the recording.
Sincerely, Yuki
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
专业意识高,沟通方便,对应殷勤周到,非常热情,配合各种学习水平 |
关于你自己 |
女性,比较注重发音,讲师的性格很重要,目标明确,没有理论性、逻辑性的说明的话,我很难理解接受。 |
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,有趣,能放松学习,内容充实,和蔼可亲,对应殷勤周到,非常热情,能用日语讲解 |
关于你自己 |
女性,非二元性别,能愉快得学习,短期集中学习效果最佳,比起精确的说明,觉相互了解对方想要表达的更为重要。 |
希望的课程时间 |
My daughter is looking for a teacher who teaches English during this summer vacation.
My daughter is almost 5 years old.
We have been in Canada for over four years and she goes to public school here.
Thanks to the school teacher’s support she has come to love learning English and get motivated to study it more than before.
Here is lesson request in detail.
The lesson time is between 15 and 20 minutes.
As for the lesson fee, 500-700 point is desirable.
If you can offer trial lesson, that would be so helpful.
She mainly wants to learn how to spell word and read story books aloud in English.
She loves singing songs, dancing with music, and drawing pictures.
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
有趣,内容充实,推荐少儿学习 |
希望的课程时间 |
I am supposed to work as physio at Policlinic in Athletes village during Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic game. I need to talk to top athletes to deliver an appropriate physiotherapy to them. Thus, I'd like to take an intensive lesson to learn medical conversation, and I'd like you to check sentences that I made.
My English level is IELTS 6.0, and I finished my master degree in UK.
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
推荐给中级以上学员,适合集中突击学习,内容充实,沟通方便,对应殷勤周到 |
希望的课程时间 |
Hello teachers! I'd like to expand my vocabularies and expressions in a conversation-based lessons. I'd like to be able to speak in a more natural way. I prefer native teachers but bilingual teachers are also welcome!
5pm~12am (midnight) on weekdays, Japan time (before and after that time might work too.)
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
推荐给中级以上学员,有趣,能放松学习,内容充实,和蔼可亲,课程完毕后的对应很充实,沟通方便,能用英语讲解 |
关于你自己 |
女性,工作者,比较注重发音,有完美主义的部分,讲师的性格很重要,能愉快得学习 |
希望的课程时间 |
1. 不希望從文法開始上,希望直接從會話開始上
2. 希望是確實在日本生活會用上的日文,坊間書籍或教學要不是太簡易就是跟日本現況脫節
3. 目前我雖有N3,但對日文的反應不直覺,會習慣先想中文再想日文導致反應很慢,這點也希望訓練
4. 希望老師也可以提供課後教材或者課後練習讓我課後也能自行強化
5. 希望可以在2021年底前強化到能應付日常生活
6. 若第5點進行順利,我還希望把手寫也進一步強化
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
专业意识高,适合集中突击学习,内容充实 |
关于你自己 |
男性,目标明确,短期集中学习效果最佳,没有理论性、逻辑性的说明的话,我很难理解接受。 |
希望的课程时间 |
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,适合集中突击学习,沟通方便,对应殷勤周到,配合各种学习水平,能用日语讲解 |
关于你自己 |
女性,非二元性别 |
希望的课程时间 |
대학교 입시 재외국민 전형 자기소개서가 완성하면 첨삭해 주시는 레슨을 찾고 있습니다.
한일 혼혈이고 모국어는 일본어입니다.
토픽 6급을 합격하였으나 한국어 원어민이 아니라서 자신이 없습니다.
잘 부탁드립니다.
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
推荐给中级以上学员,有趣,能放松学习,和蔼可亲,沟通方便,对应殷勤周到 |