想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,对应殷勤周到,配合各种学习水平,能用日语讲解,能用英语讲解 |
关于你自己 |
工作者,比较注重发音,能愉快得学习,不是一个非常挑剔的人 |
希望的课程时间 |
我想學習和日本人的對話 應對方式
目前學日文大概一年左右 程度大概是N4-N3
こんにちは 楽楽です
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
有趣,能放松学习,内容充实,沟通方便,能用日语讲解 |
希望的课程时间 |
Hello! I'm looking for beginner Japanese lessons for myself and my boyfriend. We have very little experience with the language but we are moving to Japan very soon and really want some help learning basic phrases/vocabulary. It would be helpful if our tutor could speak a little English.
I am also an English tutor here on Cafetalk and ideally I am looking for a Japanese tutor willing to do a language exchange (either for free or for a small payment as my money is unfortunately limited right now!)
We can't wait to get started!
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,有趣,适合集中突击学习,和蔼可亲,课程完毕后的对应很充实,沟通方便,对应殷勤周到,能用英语讲解 |
关于你自己 |
女性,讲师的性格很重要,短期集中学习效果最佳,比起精确的说明,觉相互了解对方想要表达的更为重要。,没有理论性、逻辑性的说明的话,我很难理解接受。 |
希望的课程时间 |
I'd like to have a lesson that's a little bit out of order but a dream for me.
It's a language exchanging lesson.
I like to practice English conversation and specially want to improve my vocabulary.(around the words of 英語検定・準1級)in an enjoyable way.
In return,I will teach you Japanese adjusting your favorite way. I'm a new bird (Japanese language teacher) here in Cafetalk. (I have another ID as a teacher.) 500p. is needed each other.
*As for time: around 9:00-10:00 am, 3:00-4:00 pm or 7:30-8:30 p.m. on Japan time is available.
*Frequency:2 times a month
This is just my idea.
I'm glad if you show me a better idea.
I'm looking forward your message:)
If you are interested in my order,please send me a message.
I'm so looking forward to your offer.☆彡
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
推荐给中级以上学员,有趣,非常热情 |
希望的课程时间 |
Hello, I'm looking for the teacher who can practice Japanese patterns with me twice a week.
I passed JLPT N4 in 2017 and I'm studying for JLPT N3 & N2 now.
The Japanese Patterns examples are as below:
1. 敬語(謙譲語、尊敬語、丁寧語)
2. 使役形、受身形、使役受身形
3. 假設形(ば)、なら、たら、と
4. 授受動詞(くれる、あげる、もらう)
5.その本の文型 (http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010639150)
*動詞(辞書形)/動詞(ない形) ように言う
*動詞(普通形) という+名詞
(If you don't have this book, I can type the sentence patterns and send to you before the class.)
I have studied at least once by myself and I can understand. However, I need to practice these sentence patterns by conversation, translation (English/Chinese to Japanese), listening, reading, or any kinds of practice that you can suggest. (or you can give me homework)
Welcome to contact me, so we can talk more details.
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
专业意识高,适合集中突击学习,内容充实,沟通方便,能用英语讲解 |
希望的课程时间 |
英会話初心者です。日本人講師にレッスンをお願いしています。覚えたフレーズでネィティブ講師と日常会話の勉強をしたいです。時間は15分 レッスン料金は500円を希望します。レッスン希望時間は、木曜日、土曜日の午前中か平日と週末の夜にお願いしたいです。
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,有趣,适合集中突击学习,和蔼可亲,课程完毕后的对应很充实,沟通方便,对应殷勤周到,配合各种学习水平 |
希望的课程时间 |
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,有趣,能放松学习,和蔼可亲,课程完毕后的对应很充实,非常热情,能用英语讲解 |
关于你自己 |
女性,非二元性别,讲师的性格很重要,能愉快得学习,不是一个非常挑剔的人,比起精确的说明,觉相互了解对方想要表达的更为重要。 |
希望的课程时间 |
I have been studying Japanese for 2.5 years. I passed JLPT N5, and am studying N4 grammar right now. I am not taking the N4 test. Studying Japanese is a hobby. Besides the N4 textbook, I am using Japanese for Busy People Book 2, Genki Book 2, and Weekly J. My reading and writing is okay. I want to focus on daily conversation. I can say a few things, but when Japanese people talk to me (even the basic things that I learned long time ago), I find it hard to understand. I am hoping a tutor can provide me with a study plan, and can help me improve my conversation skills.
Price - 25 min - less than 1000 points
50 min - less than 1800 points
Thank you.
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
专业意识高,有趣,沟通方便,非常热情,配合各种学习水平,能用英语讲解 |
希望的课程时间 |
改訂版 どんなときどう使う 日本語表現文型200 http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010691339
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,专业意识高,内容充实,沟通方便,配合各种学习水平 |
关于你自己 |
女性,非二元性别,目标明确,能愉快得学习,我享受压力,短期集中学习效果最佳,比起精确的说明,觉相互了解对方想要表达的更为重要。,没有理论性、逻辑性的说明的话,我很难理解接受。 |
希望的课程时间 |
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合集中突击学习,对应殷勤周到,配合各种学习水平 |
关于你自己 |
男性,非二元性别,目标明确,短期集中学习效果最佳 |
希望的课程时间 |