Is there any good English native teacher who can speak in Japanese or Korean? I'd like to meet good teachers who can help me to translate from Japanese or Korean writting to English. All writting will be made by me. So, that won't be difficult and be made of technical language. And then, It will be better not to use Skype and use E-mail.
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
专业意识高,内容充实,非常热情,能用日语讲解,能用英语讲解 |
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,能放松学习,适合年长的学员,配合各种学习水平,能用日语讲解 |
关于你自己 |
工作者,能愉快得学习,想以自己的节奏学习,不是一个非常挑剔的人,比起精确的说明,觉相互了解对方想要表达的更为重要。 |
希望的课程时间 |
I would like to take lessons everyday in the morning (before work) , so I'm looking for tutors!
I'm working as overseas sales and would like to improve my English more and more especially speaking, listening, reading!
So, I want to go for some articles and idioms in the lesson as well as free talk.
Is there anyone can help me?
Desired condition:
Lesson length: 15-20 min
Cost: 10,000 JPY / 18-20 lessons
Also American and Canadian English is preferred.
Thank you for your attention!
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
和蔼可亲,沟通方便,非常热情,配合各种学习水平 |
希望的课程时间 |
I want my daughter to keep familiar in English. She is 4 years old. She is now taking some lessons by Cafe talk. I want to find another teacher to add opportunities. She likes Disney princesses and pretended game. She always pretends to be a cake shop owner, a Disney princess, etc. I'm looking for a teacher who can play with her in English. She had been in Canada for 2 years, so she can understand English now.
Weekdays, 19:30-21:00.
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
有趣,推荐少儿学习,能用英语讲解 |
希望的课程时间 |
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
推荐给中级以上学员,专业意识高,有趣,教材充实,内容充实,和蔼可亲,课程完毕后的对应很充实,沟通方便,对应殷勤周到,能用英语讲解 |
关于你自己 |
女性,非二元性别,讲师的性格很重要,目标明确,能愉快得学习,想以自己的节奏学习,短期集中学习效果最佳 |
希望的课程时间 |
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,专业意识高,和蔼可亲,配合各种学习水平,能用日语讲解,能用英语讲解 |
关于你自己 |
女性,非二元性别,目标明确 |
(よろしければ、デザインに関する専門用語に詳しい先生を希望致します。 )
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
推荐给中级以上学员,专业意识高,能放松学习,内容充实,和蔼可亲,课程完毕后的对应很充实,对应殷勤周到,能用日语讲解 |
关于你自己 |
女性,非二元性别,比较注重发音,讲师的性格很重要,能愉快得学习,想以自己的节奏学习,比起精确的说明,觉相互了解对方想要表达的更为重要。 |
希望的课程时间 |
I´m begginer learning japanese, I want to speak and write in japanese, know about japanese culture and being able to communicate with this language.
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,专业意识高,有趣,教材充实,内容充实,沟通方便,非常热情,配合各种学习水平,能用日语讲解,能用英语讲解 |
希望的课程时间 |
I want to practice my english, stop being shy when someone talks to me in englis, learn it better because I think I´m not good. I wan to learn Japanesse to, I´m begginer with this language but I like it.
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,专业意识高,有趣,内容充实,和蔼可亲,沟通方便,非常热情,能用日语讲解,能用英语讲解 |
希望的课程时间 |
일본어는 히라가나만 알고 있습니다
일본 영상을 볼떄 자막없이 들으면서 보고 싶습니다
초보에게 친절히 가르쳐 주실분 찾습니다
일본분이시면서 한국어를 조금이나마 하는 분이면 좋겠습니다
가끔식 일본에대한 문화 이야기도 듣고 싶습니다^^
想要找的课程或讲师的特征 |
适合初学者,有趣,和蔼可亲,课程完毕后的对应很充实,配合各种学习水平 |
希望的课程时间 |