

订製课程数: 3,902

我想学习 韩语 。



我想学习 英语 。


我想学习 其他学科辅导 。

Looking for teacher who can teach statistics or psychology... I would like to use textbooks or any online resources. The lesson can be either in English or Japanese. 統計学あるいは心理学の先生を探しています、テキストを使いたいです。レッスンは英語あるいは日本語どちらでも大丈夫です。よろしくお願いします!


我想学习 意大利语 。


Here is an example of what I want.

< skit >
Student : I would like us to compose a skit together.
Teacher : What do you mean by “a skit”?
S : A skit is a short conversation, or script, based on a scenario I came up with. I have already prepared some ideas on this sheet, so please take a look at it and ask me any questions you may have about it. Obviously, the skit should reflect natural conversational English.
T : Okay. How long should it be
S : It should be about ten sentences long, so about 4-5 lines per person.
T : Sounds good - anything else you,d like me to do?
S : Yes. I would like you to record yourself reading it aloud, so that I can review it and memorize it before my next lesson.
T : Anything else?
S : No. T: All right then, let,s start. Let me see your sheet...

我想学习 英语 。


Here is an example of what I want.

< skit >
Student : I would like us to compose a skit together.
Teacher : What do you mean by “a skit”?
S : A skit is a short conversation, or script, based on a scenario I came up with. I have already prepared some ideas on this sheet, so please take a look at it and ask me any questions you may have about it. Obviously, the skit should reflect natural conversational English.
T : Okay. How long should it be
S : It should be about ten sentences long, so about 4-5 lines per person.
T : Sounds good - anything else you,d like me to do?
S : Yes. I would like you to record yourself reading it aloud, so that I can review it and memorize it before my next lesson.
T : Anything else?
S : No. T: All right then, let,s start. Let me see your sheet...

我想学习 英语 。


提案数: 3

我想学习 英语 。

I'm looking for who can teach me SAT test.
Hopefully someone familier SAT test.

我想学习 英语 。

I'd like to take a conversation and get improved my English skills. I have stayed in California for 6 months, so I will mostly understand what you say.

提案数: 35

我想学习 英语 。

I would like to read The Two Sources of Morality and Religion by Henri Bergson in English. The lesson using other texts by Bergson is opent to negotiable. I cannot speack French so much now, so I think it is better for me to choose the text in English. I am lookig for an instructor who helps me to read work of Bergson precisely specifically from the viewpoint of grammar, nuances of words, and so on. .

提案数: 4

我想学习 意大利语 。

Il corso "Every day 15 minutes" mi interessa, ma non posso aspettare per l'insegnante a ritornare dalla vacanza. È urgente! Che cosa vorreste consigliarmi?
