想要找的課程或講師的特徵 |
態度專業,內容充實,非常熱情 |
關於你自己 |
女性,講師的性格很重要,能愉快得學習,想以自己的節奏學習 |
希望的課程時間 |
Hi, I am a mid-career Japanese job seeker (currently I am a consultant at one of the UN organizations). I am looking for a tutor to guide me and practice with me to pass a competency-based interview to be a permanent staff at the UN agencies or international financial institutions such as the World Bank.
想要找的課程或講師的特徵 |
適合中級以上學員,態度專業,內容充實,課後回饋充實,容易溝通,適合各種程度 |
希望的課程時間 |
想要找的課程或講師的特徵 |
適合初學者,態度專業,適合扎實學習,課後回饋充實,容易溝通,適合各種程度 |
關於你自己 |
女性,非二元性別,比較注重發音,講師的性格很重要,能愉快得學習 |
希望的課程時間 |
I'm looking for a lesson on medical terms and medical check ups. I'm not sure what it is called but the medical check where everyone goes to a large medical area. And you go to each room or area to get a different exam, such as, lung cancer screening, stomach cancer screening, and intestinal cancer screening. I have gone before, but always had someone with me. i would like to go alone. So I would like a lesson or lessons that include: medical terms used for this time of exam, basic phrases to expect, and how to check in and check out. (My level is low intermediate/intermediate, but I'm not very good at medical terms).
想要找的課程或講師的特徵 |
適合中級以上學員,適合扎實學習,內容充實,課後回饋充實,客氣有禮,能以英語解說 |
希望的課程時間 |
想要找的課程或講師的特徵 |
態度專業,適合扎實學習,內容充實,容易溝通,客氣有禮,適合各種程度,能以日語解說 |
關於你自己 |
女性,比較注重發音,有完美主義的部分,我享受壓力,沒有理論性、邏輯性的說明的話,我很難理解接受。 |
希望的課程時間 |
想要找的課程或講師的特徵 |
適合初學者,態度專業,有趣,內容充實,推薦兒童學習,和藹可親,容易溝通,客氣有禮,非常熱情,能以日語解說 |
關於你自己 |
家庭主婦,講師的性格很重要,目標明確,能愉快得學習 |
希望的課程時間 |
I have two main goals that I would like some help achieving with my Japanese.
① Be able to speak Japanese freely without anxiety.
② Pass the JLPT N2.
I live in Japan, but I am having trouble overcoming my language anxiety, so I remain silent in Japanese conversations and prefer to speak with my Japanese husband in English. I'm really looking for a tutor that can encourage me to speak, and focus on free output as opposed to strict accuracy.
I have the 新完全マスターN2 Series for studying for the JLPT and would like to work with these textbooks, unless otherwise recommended. I passed the JLPT N3 last year and have come to learn that my study habits favour kanji/vocabulary over grammar, listening and reading. I would like to try and balance the four key skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing, even though speaking and writing are not tested.
想要找的課程或講師的特徵 |
有趣,適合扎實學習,和藹可親,客氣有禮,能以英語解說 |
希望的課程時間 |
I am currently attending ESL class at the university. I have presentations in the class but I'm not good at speaking in front of people.
I would like to practice and learn a effective presentation, power point and phrases.
想要找的課程或講師的特徵 |
適合中級以上學員,態度專業,內容充實,非常熱情 |
關於你自己 |
非二元性別,比較注重發音,講師的性格很重要,目標明確 |
希望的課程時間 |
American accent, an expressive model speech needed.
90 sec short children's story, a part of The Jungle Book.
Kids will train over your voice for a speech contest.
You just send me your voice.
Please make short sentence demo speech for me.
--------------- “I am the GREAT tiger!” he roared. “I am not afraid of you,” said Mowgli.-------
*Below is full sentence of this speech.
The Jungle Book Part 3
The Monkey King put a banana in Mowgli’s mouth.
“Now you are a monkey,” said the King, “and you will live with us!”
Mowgli shook his head no!
Suddenly, the big bear came and saved Mowgli. “Now”, said the bear,
“you must go to the man village.”
“But I like the jungle!”, cried Mowgli.
So, the boy ran away from the bear, too.
Mowgli was running very fast when a tiger jumped out of the bushes.
“Who are you?” asked Mowgli.
“I am the GREAT tiger!” he roared.
“I am not afraid of you,” said Mowgli.
“Oh really?” said the tiger.
“I will count to ten, and you must try to run away. One, two, three, four…
lightening hit the jungle trees.
想要找的課程或講師的特徵 |
適合中級以上學員,態度專業,適合扎實學習,內容充實,課後回饋充實,客氣有禮,非常熱情 |
關於你自己 |
女性,非二元性別,比較注重發音,有完美主義的部分,講師的性格很重要 |
希望的課程時間 |