Notizie da Mark Roy

Ace your job / university interview! Part 10

Aug 22, 2020

Hi, if you are interested, please check out my latest Tutor Column article (link below) on how to pass your job or university interview- Part 10. Thanks and have a good weekend! Please also see the link below to my 10% discount coupon for any lesson before the end of this month.
Best regards,

Column Name: Ace your job or university interview!! Part 10
Created At: Aug 22, 2020 (GMT+07:00 Bangkok)

Coupon Name: 10% discount for any lesson
Code: 31601aa4
Discount Rate: 10%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Aug 1, 2020 ~ Aug 31, 2020
(GMT+07:00 Bangkok)

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