Lewis B 讲师的通知

Monthly Event: Digital Detox


Greetings everyone!
I would like to invite you all to join me for a new monthly practice I began at the start of this month (October).
I have decided, that on the first day of every month I will not use the internet for the entire day.
Of course, the 1st of November is a Sunday and I do have lessons with many of you, and I understand that many of us need to use the internet for work. In that case, I suggest that we are allowed to use the absolute minimum internet required for our job. For me, I will be using the CafeTalk website and Skype, but nothing else.
This weekend, on Saturday night I will turn off my phone, and I won't turn it back on until Monday morning, approximately 33 hours later.
Addiction to the internet and social media has become a serious problem, taking a break from these things provides a fantastic release of pressure, which also helps to regulate our hormone levels like dopamine and cortisol.
I will be practicing this digital detox on the first day of every month for as long as possible (maybe forever!) So I would like to invite as many of you as possible to join me, I am sure that it will benefit everyone who is interested.
If you will be joining me, please be sure to send me a message letting me know. The more of us who do it together the easier it is!
Put that phone down, read a book, talk to the people around you, go for a walk, posture, breathing.
Until next time, take care, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Best regards,