Notizie da Luna.M

【お知らせ】Cafe talk3年目&200レッスン達成

Aug 6, 2022

Cafe talkの講師としてのキャリアをスタートして丸2年が経過、3年目に突入しました。
Cafe talk3年生となったLuna先生を、今後も引き続きよろしくお願いいたします((('∀')))




それでは皆さま、レッスンでお会いしましょう٩( ᐛ )و٩( ᐖ )۶


Good evening, everyone!
It has been two full years since I started my career as an instructor at Cafe talk, and now I am entering my third year.
Furthermore, I recently completed my 200th lesson, and as I recall each lesson and each face, I am filled with gratitude for all of you.
Holy cow, Cafetalk is now in its third year, and I would like to ask for your continued support for Luna-sensei((('∀')))

In light of the above, I have also decided to revise the lesson fee to a flat rate, effective from today's lesson acceptance.
For students who frequently request lessons, I will also offer a lesson package, which is a little more economical per lesson than a one-time request.
If you would like to request a lesson package, please contact me with the following information.

①Desired lesson name and length of lesson time
②Period of use of the lesson pack: minimum 1 day to maximum 90 days
Number of times you would like to use the lesson pack (how many lessons you would like to take during the usage period in ②): minimum 4 times to maximum 15 times.

※The combination of maximum duration and minimum frequency of use is 4 lessons in 90 days (average 1 lesson every 3 weeks).

Thank you for understanding my decision.
Regardless of your native language, I am truly grateful that you are all living with the wonderful language that is Japanese.
So, see you all at the lessons ٩( ᐛ )و٩( ᐖ )۶
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