Notizie da Rhys (リース)

Important message 大事なお知らせ

May 18, 2016

I hope you everyone is doing well.
I have several announcements to make. Please take the time to read the following.

I’ve decided to move from my current place of residence. My new home will be in New Brunswick (on the east coast of Canada). I’ve decided to do this because my current timezone is simply too inconvenient for teaching students in Asian time zones. New Brunswick is 4 hours ahead of my current timezone in Vancouver which is much more convenient. However, this means that after moving, my available hours will be different than my current schedule. I will notify student as soon as I have decided a new schedule.
このたび、僕は、今住んでいるところからNew Brunswick, カナダの東側に引っ越す事に決めました!
引っ越し先のNew Brunswickは今住んでいるバンクーバーより4時間先に一日始まるので僕にとって今よりも楽になります。

I will be moving around June 28th. The move will take around 10 days, but it will also take some time to get set up in a new place. I estimate that it will take at least 2 weeks, if not 3, to set up a new office.
I have many things to prepare as well as several family engagements in the month of June, so I may take a few more days off than normal in that month. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your understanding!
引っ越しまでの間も、6月は家族での予定がいくつか入っているので  通常よりちょっと多く休むかもしれません。ご迷惑おかけしますが宜しくお願いします。いつもご理解頂いて感謝してます!

Happy studying,

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