Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview


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Elaina.C Tutor Interview

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Q. Hi Elaina C. First off, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

A. My name is Elaina and I am from the USA. My birthday is 23 February 1994. I love traveling and meeting new people from different cultures. So far, I have been to 20 countries in Europe. One of my life goals is to visit every country in the world. I am a cat person. I love colors and I decorate everything I own. I love animals and would like to work with (or volunteer with) animals one day. I am currently teaching myself Photoshop and Japanese. My parents are divorced, and with that, I have 2 step-sisters, 1 half-sister, and 2 half-brothers that I am very close with. I enjoy cooking, reading, and watching TV shows.

Q. Originally, you are from the US, but you have spent the past few years in Europe. How did that happen?

A. My parents (My mother and step-father) moved to Germany 6 years ago for work. I went to visit them there October 2013. I started traveling not long after that and found my new passion, so I never left Europe!! Except to visit back home occasionally.

Q. How do you enjoy your time outside of tutoring on Cafetalk? Do you have any special hobbies?

A. Outside of Cafetalk, I travel with my boyfriend full time (every month, we move to a new country), so a lot of my time is occupied by him, exploring, and meeting new people. I also love to read and learn new things. I’m a picky eater and my boyfriend is not a picky eater, so I enjoy learning how to cook new meals with him so that we can both enjoy dinner!! I also like to watch TV sometimes. My favorite TV shows right now are The Walking Dead and Once Upon a Time. I also really enjoy watching some animes.

Q. What is, in your opinion, the most important thing to keep in mind when studying or teaching a foreign language?

A. I think one of the most important things to remember when learning a new language is practice. Your mouth is used to forming the words of your native language, so it takes a lot of time and practice to train it to make the new words and sounds of a new language. Practice makes perfect and it’s important to remember that it also takes time.

Q. What can students look forward to in your classes that is unique to the way you conduct your lessons?

A. One of the unique things about my lessons is that I do not teach textbook English, but English spoken by native English speakers. I want you to sound natural, rather than like a book. I help you learn common phrases and idioms used by native speakers. I help you sound more like a native as well. I also like to have fun during my lessons, so expect lots of laughs and getting to know one another.

Q. In your profile, you say that you are currently learning Japanese through watching Anime. Are you interested in any other aspects of Japanese culture?

A. I really enjoy watching Japanese Anime, so I use it to help me learn Japanese. I am very interested in other aspects of Japanese culture though. Part of the reason I am learning Japanese is so that I can one day work and live in Japan with ease. I really enjoy learning about Japanese culture from my students and I love learning about their lifestyles. It’s my passion to learn and experience different cultures around the world!!

Q. Finally, would you like to leave a message for your current/future students?

A. I love meeting and talking with new people and I am very passionate about helping people learn English as it is the most used language in the world now. I’m very happy working here on Cafetalk and want to continue working here so that I can keep helping all of my students and so that I can keep learning more about the world!!


