English Idioms: the stranger, the better.
And do we really use them??
Learn about some of the strangest American idioms and expressions.
- 日期与时间:
- 2017年7月20日(周四) 21点00分 (日本时间)
- 长度:
- 约30分钟
- 费用:
20% off coupon for Tracy's idiom lesson for live participants
- 录像:
- 可观赏直播或录像档
- 主讲讲师:
- Tracy R.
Learn about 10 of the strangest idioms used in the US, including their origin and meaning, with examples provided of their usage, and their frequency of use in daily conversation.
This seminar is recommended for intermediate learners of English and above.
The seminar will be conducted in English.
After the seminar students will be able to download accompanying materials.
Due to this being a live broadcast the video or sound quality might be unstable at times. Thank you for your understanding.

Tracy R.
A little about me:
My name is Tracy and I live in the United States in the state of Texas. My family owns a small farm there, where I work to take care of our many animals. Some of my hobbies are reading, playing video games, studying languages and crocheting. I also bake and cook a lot.
Education/qualifications and Experience:
I specialized in Linguistics/English in college, with a minor in Anthropology (I especially enjoyed all of my sociolinguistics classes which combined both linguistics and anthropology!) During college I tutored underclassmen who were studying Japanese. After I graduated, I worked in Japan for a year teaching English. I taught at an Eikaiwa school and twice a week at public schools, to middle school and high school students. My students ranged in age from children to retired adults.