sehi 讲师的个人介绍
From: Seoul, South Korea (currently residing in Japan)
Lesson Target: I teach Korean composition, as well as Japanese composition lessons for Korean speakers.
Educational Background: Educational background: 3rd place in an International Student Writing Contest in 2021, graduated from a university in Japan.
Passed N1 level of JLPT, have experience with EJU
+ Composition is not an area that requires spontaneous responses as in conversations, but if well utilized, it is an efficient tool to learn vocabulary and expressions efficiently!
수업대상:일본인 대상으로 한국어 작문,한국인 대상으로는 일본어 작문수업
약력:2021년 일본주최 유학생 논문콩쿨3위 입상,일본내 대학출신
jlpt n1합격,eju경험有
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