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This tutor usually accepts requests up to 24 hours before the desired lesson time
Lun 16:30 Mar 01:30
Mar 16:30 Mer 01:30
Mer 16:30 Gio 01:30
Gio 16:30 Ven 01:30
Ven 16:30 Sab 01:30
Sab 16:30 Dom 01:30
Dom 16:30 Lun 01:30
Schedule visible to 2 month(s)
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Profilo di Sarah C

This tutor is currently on leave.
初めまして! My name is Sarah and I’m a banker currently living in London having done my Master’s in Finance also in the UK. I have been speaking English since I was a kid. I studied in Chuo University as a university exchange student and it was a very memorable experience! During my free time I taught English to a lot of students. I speak basic Japanese and my favorite places in Japan are Kyoto and Hokkaido. I would love to go back to Japan if I have the chance!

I am a very relaxed and easy-going person and you will feel this when we have our lessons together. Speaking in a foreign language is stressful! That certainly was the case when I was learning Japanese! However, daily conversation will improve your confidence and I can certainly help you with that.

I’m a very well-rounded person and I can chat with you about anything! I am passionate about current events, history, business and travel, so if you are the same then feel free to choose my lessons in Café TalkJ


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  • La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.

Dopo che la richiesta sia stata confermata (fissata)

  • Più di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione.→ La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.
  • Meno di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione.
  • No-Show→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione. Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.
    (Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.)

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