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Giapponese Madrelingua
Cinese Fluente
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Tutor’s Columns

Tantissime notizie e curiosità del mondo dai nostri tutor di Cafetalk!
Published 17 Jul, 2024 | View: 1317
こんにちは、皆さん! 体験レッスンのメリット 1. 無料で参加できる  2. 実際のレッスンを体験できる  体験レッスン 今日の日記をつけませんか? 参加方法 こちらのコラムにあるレッスン表から申し...
Published 16 Jul, 2024 | View: 1437
こんにちは、皆さん! 7月に入り、ますます暑さが厳しくなってきましたね。この時期は特に熱中症や夏バテに注意が必要です。そこで、今日は暑い夏を乗り切るための方法をいくつかご紹介します。 1. 十分な水...
Published 8 Jul, 2024 | View: 1363
我关注了有关东京都知事选举的新闻。今年的选举引起了广泛的关注和讨论,因为候选人们提出了许多重要的政策和愿景。 此次选举中,有几位主要的候选人,包括现任知事和几位有影响力的新人。他们各自的政策主张涵盖...
Hello everyone, it’s nice meeting you! I am JIRO.
I studied abroad in Shanghai, China for 7 years from 2012 because it was my wish to do so!
I took classes at a university together with local Chinese students, who are also called “Honka (本科).”
After returning to Japan, I worked as a human resource agent specializing in Japan-China relations.
I worked as a human resource consultant between Japan and China!
I supported Chinese cooperations’ branches in Japan, as well as Japanese-affiliated cooperations’ expansion into the Chinese market.
From 2022, I have been living in China while helping my parents with their work.
〈My Policy〉
“一期一会” (Don’t forget to look up the meaning!)
〈Lesson Content〉
Japanese language course for absolute beginners (offered in Chinese)
Japanese language lessons from N3 to business level (offered in Chinese)
What do I need to do to work in Japan? (offered in Japanese and Chinese)
Impressions of China from Japan’s point of view, and what I felt living in the country (offered in Japanese and Chinese)
What do I need to do in order to go to China? (for Japanese people)
What is it really like to study abroad in China?
Not only do I offer general Japanese lessons, but I also offer lessons for those who are going to be stationed in China or studying abroad in China, so please don’t hesitate to contact me!
【 Cafetalk Translation / July 2022 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding.

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