Mr. Ian's lessons are always professional and picks a right way for the student to improve English skills. His observation gives a good insight to discuss how the student move on to higher level. His teaching is not only for getting a good score on test, but certainly effective for the student's academic success.
안녕하세요. Hello. I majored in Korean language and literature at university, and after graduation I taught Japanese to children for over 10 years as a language teacher at a private tutoring school. I have experience in modeling for magazines, acting in movies and dramas, and have worked part-time jobs for trading companies, publishers, and convenience stores, so I can share various topics with you. &n
【Self Introduction】 Hello. My name is Min, and I am a Korean language tutor. After graduating from university in South Korea, I studied abroad in Japan and worked as a Korean language tutor at a Korean language school in Tokyo. At that time, I taught a diverse range of ages from young children to (senior) adults, while offering one-on-one and group lessons both in person and online.
안녕하세요! 소현입니다! (Sohyun / ソヒョン / 昭炫) 이름이 발음하기 어려우실 경우, SSO 쏘 혹은 POPO 포포로 불러주시면 좋을 것 같습니다! (이름 그대로 불러주셔도 좋습니다!) 한국에서 태어난 100% 한국인입니다. 학생때부터 외국어에 관심이 많아서, 제2외국어로는 중국어, 제3외국어로는 일본어를 공부했습니다. 일본어는 게임, 유튜브 등을 통해서 독학으로 배웠습니다. 독학으로 배웠지만, 그래도 ‘배운 일본어로 말 하고싶다! 활용하고 싶다!’ 라는 생각으로 원어민선생님들을 만날 기회를 만들고, 문법이 엉망이어도 계속 일본어로 대화를 시도했었습니다. 제가 그렇게 배워왔기에, 외국어를 학습할 때 가장 중요한 것은 [내가 좋아하는 주제] 로 [말을 할 수 있는가?] 라고 생각합니다. 좋아
新讲师排名第2位,新讲师排名第3位,新讲师排名第4位,潮流讲师排名第4位,潮流讲师排名第5位,潮流讲师排名第2位,潮流讲师排名第5位, 2023 Newcomer Award 수상 大家好!我是 Lia。我從小在韓國釜山出生長大,畢業於京畿道的大學。(我會說韓語標準語、慶尚道方言,課程以標準語為主。)我目前從事自媒體相關工作。大學畢業後我很常獨自一人到日本旅行,我從日本文化、藝術及人文中得到很多的啟發,漸漸地開始愛上日本這個國家,有了想和日本人交流溝通的想法。我很喜歡和新認識的人聊天,以前我曾教過外國人韓語,那位學員後來進步很多,我自己也從中得到很多樂趣,於是就想要成為韓語講師。另外我也學過英語,所以很了解學外語的辛苦之處,可能也是因為如此我才能精益求精。從小學開始我就有了책벌레(書蟲)的綽號,因為我很常看書,常常被說「很會說話」、「有獨特的觀點」。所以我想我能成為你快樂聊天
Hello, my name is “제이 민, J Min” It is a pleasure to meet you!!! I was born in Seoul and have lived in Seoul all my life. Therefore, I speak in a “서울 말씨, Seoul dialect” which is the standard Korean pronunciation, and I do not speak in any dialect. I graduated from Seoul National University, South Korea, and received my MA in International Political Economy from t
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Mr Ian
Chris Lane
Abbie Rose