Shezel is a wonderful teacher. Her lesson plan is very nice. She encourages us to keep talking. With her learning English is really fun. I'm sure we are improving.
【ご挨拶】こんにちは!Fruitful Life FP相談室です。ファイナンシャルプランナー(FP)として、「お金に関する知識(お金リテラシー)を増やすためのレッスン」を開講しております。アラフォー・アラフィフの方は 昨今の「2000万円問題」などを見聞きして老後資金について、ご心配の方や情報から取り残されている気がしている方も多いと思っております。 何から始めればよいのか、資産運用をする前にやるべきことなどから投資の始め方などについて勉強し、楽しい老後を迎えるべく準備を整えていきましょう。また20代・30代の方向けには、基本的なお金の知識と時間を味方にそれぞれの状況に応じた貯蓄や投資方法、保険加入の基本的な考え方等を共有していきたいと思っております。四季報や企業のIRページの見方、株価・株価チャート等から何を読み取るか、等もお話させていただくので、お仕事にも役立つかも!2024年1月か
Hello, I am seata, an IT engineer & financial planner. Thank you for visiting my profile. <For anyone who would like to consult on life planning and financial management>I believe many of you have heard the phrase “100-year financial life plan” on the Internet or in the news, but do not know where to start. ・Isn’t investing like gambling? ・I want to ask questions about asset
Ciao a tutti! Mi chiamo Andrea ho 36 anni e vivo a Trieste, nel nord est d'Italia. Dopo aver completato i miei studi nel 2005 ed aver lavorato per qualche anno nella mia città, nel 2009 decido di andare a studiare a Tokyo frequentando una scuola privata, dove inizio il mio percorso di apprendimento imparando la lingua, la cultura e le tradizioni del paese nipponico.Per quanto riguarda la mia carri
Let's get rid of that boring, dreadful school life! Let's make those boring and annoying classes our favorite! One step up from what you were yesterday! I'll teach you until you understand!! Hello! I became an elementary school teacher because I love children. For the past 27 years, I have been a teacher at a public elementary school.I have taught a total of about 1,000 children.In addition, I wor
Nice to meet you! I am Naoko_M, a yoga instructor, as well as a communication and life coach. Thank you for visiting my profile among many other teachers. I offer yoga and coaching sessions to help people “feel good both physically and mentally”. After graduating from a technical college, I worked at a sports club, where I experienced everything from baby swimming classes to aerobics, aquabi
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Louie B.
Luna M
Rhys (リース)
Ayaka Yoshikawa
May Lee