ようこそ - Welcome 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず。 Take your first lesson with me, then you will know what I can do for you. IELTS or Job Interview coming up soon? - start preparing now ! Over the past few years I have enjoyed thousands of hours researching, preparing for, and teaching students here on Cafetalk. I am grateful to all the wonderful people with whom I share this quest for k
Hello! To all elementary, junior high, and high school students. I am KenjiS, a graduate of the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, from Kyushu University. I am good at teaching English, mathematics, and Japanese. English is something I continue to study to this day. I have worked with computer hardware and software. As for computer-related fields, I have passed the Fundamental Information
<Name> BON <Career> PhD (engineering) from a national university. ↓ Engaged in basic research as a postdoctoral researcher at a public research institute for about two years. ↓ Worked for about five years in the production engineering section of company A's plant. ↓ Currently, I am engaged in the design and development of a new business at company B
【ご報告】この度、カフェトーク事務局より『Popular』を頂戴しました!また、カフェトーク史上初の取り組みとして、英語音声配信(TeacherAsuka'sEnglishWAVE✨✨✨)を、2021.2.3よりスタート!!私のオリジナル講師コラムを音声でもお楽しみ頂けるようになりました。こちらもあわせて、今後ともよろしくお願い致します。You can listen my original column as soon as you visit TeacherAsuka'sEnglishWAVE (the URL )below https://stand.fm/channels/6004eacc2b4a4592fe9acd34 ***********************************************************************
Hello! I’m Eriko.F.I always wanted do work that helped children grow, so I became a teacher and taught middle school social studies. Currently, I work in employee training at a general corporation and on the side I help elementary schoolers and middle schoolers with their studies via Skype. People grow every day. Only compare yourself to who you were yesterday. There’s no need to compare yourself
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John Nanakamado
Richard Evans
Kyoko. I
Andrea Ferlora
Seba Sensei