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Results: 168 Tutors
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Yuko Fukushimaimage

Categorie insegnate

Hello!!Thank you for looking at my profile!“About my lessons”   There are roughly 4 categories of my lessons.   1.English lessons : Conversation practice and  the review of    junior high school English     / for high school students above  2.Japanese lessons : Conversation practice and learning Japanese with unique materials
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 20:00 - 23:00
Mar 20:00 - 23:00
Gio 20:00 - 23:00
Ven 20:00 - 23:00
Dom 20:00 - 23:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Cassandra Bohimage
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Categorie insegnate

Hi everyone! I’m Cassandra and I’m from a tiny country called Singapore. I moved to Japan in February 2020 and have lived in the Land of the Rising Sun for slightly more than 2 years! Just as I was starting to get used to Japan, I moved to Vancouver, Canada to pursue another dream of mine while I continue teaching my lovely students from Japan the best I can despite the time
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 02:00 - 14:30
Mar 02:00 - 14:30
Mer 02:00 - 14:30
Dom 02:00 - 14:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.



Categorie insegnate

Hi,I am from India and have studied and worked in Japan for 4 years. I am fluent in English and also JLPT N2 qualified having interest in Japanese language and culture. I believe that language is a window to the deeper philosophy of a nation and I try to integrate language and culture in my lesson.I understand the struggles faced by Japanese people in English speaking work settings. I would like t
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 21:30 Mar 01:30
Mar 21:30 Mer 01:30
Mer 21:30 Gio 01:30
Gio 21:30 Ven 01:30
Ven 21:30 Sab 01:30
Sab 14:30 Dom 01:30
Dom 14:30 Lun 01:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.



Categorie insegnate

興味があれば3歳から可能です。(未就学の方は親御さんと一緒のレッスンをお勧めします) ユザワヤ芸術学院でフラワーアレンジメント講師資格を取得しました。希望者に期間に応じてユザワヤ芸術学院の修了証を発行できます。全国8か所(蒲田 吉祥寺 横浜 大和 津田沼 所沢 浦和 神戸)にあるユザワヤ芸術学院に編入もできます。2007-2015年 中国駐在時に800人くらいの方に教え幼稚園児から大人の方まで30人くらいに修了証を発行しました。2016-2023年 ご高齢の方3800人くらいに教えて現在も月40-50人くらいの方に教えています。大手都市銀行に入社し花の勉強もしていましたが、7年間勤務の間に10kg瘦せてしまいました。その後花屋で働き私には花があって良かったと思います。花を通して豊かな人生を過ごしていただければと思います。私の経験がオンラインで遠く離れた方とも繋がることになれば嬉しく思います
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 06:30 - 11:30
Lun 19:00 - 23:30
Mar 06:30 - 08:30
Mar 19:00 - 23:30
Mer 06:30 - 08:30
Mer 19:00 - 23:30
Gio 06:30 - 11:30
Gio 19:00 - 23:30
Ven 06:30 - 08:30
Ven 19:00 - 23:30
Sab 06:30 - 08:30
Sab 19:00 - 23:30
Dom 06:30 - 08:30
Dom 19:00 - 23:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Angélica Cimage
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Categorie insegnate

I have been teaching Portuguese as a second language since 2013 and I am graduated in Portuguese for teaching Foreigners at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. In my Portuguese classes you can learn the language in all its aspects (reading, writing, understanding and speaking) in an enjoyable way. I will also introduce you to the Brazilian culture so you will be able to travel or to
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 00:00 - 07:30
Lun 16:30 - 18:30
Mar 06:30 - 08:00
Mar 17:00 - 18:30
Mer 06:30 - 09:00
Gio 06:30 - 10:00
Gio 17:00 - 18:30
Ven 06:30 - 10:00
Ven 17:00 - 18:30
Sab 06:30 - 10:00
Sab 16:30 Dom 10:30
Dom 16:30 - 21:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

I teach blogging, WordPress, social media, photography, and Western art history. I value “enjoyable, easy to understand, and politeness”. I don’t just teach, but I also help students enjoy their everyday life through learning something♪ If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via messages. ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ 【Table of Contents】* Things I Do with Great Care* Three Favours I Ask of You*
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 18:00 - 21:00
Ven 18:00 - 21:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

Hello, my name is Waka. I'm a director of musicals and others. I also offer sessions to free the mind through drama therapy and I've done some counseling. As an acting coach, I have trained actors in Hollywood, South Africa and elsewhere, so they could be produced in Broadway. In addition, as a cruise director overseeing entertainment on a ship, I traveled the world and was at the forefront of sh
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 10:00 - 11:30
Lun 14:00 - 17:30
Lun 21:00 - 23:00
Mar 10:00 - 11:30
Mar 21:00 - 23:00
Mer 11:00 - 11:30
Mer 14:00 - 16:30
Gio 10:00 - 11:30
Gio 21:00 - 23:00
Ven 10:00 - 11:30
Ven 14:00 - 17:30
Ven 21:00 - 23:00
Sab 11:00 - 11:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Teacher Stephimage

Categorie insegnate

Hello, my name is Stephanie and I'm from Nigeria. I'm a TEFL certified teacher with over three years of experience teaching English. I'm also a certified counsellor with over five years experience in counselling. I am currently running my masters in Social work.I'm a deep thinker and I love to read, teach and have insightful conversations. I'm passionate about sharing knowledge and adding value to
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 15:00 Mar 07:30
Mar 15:00 - 22:30
Mar 23:00 Mer 00:30
Mer 03:30 - 04:30
Mer 05:00 - 07:30
Mer 15:00 Gio 00:30
Gio 03:30 - 07:30
Gio 15:00 Ven 00:30
Ven 03:30 - 07:30
Ven 15:00 Sab 01:00
Sab 03:30 - 07:30
Sab 15:00 - 17:00
Sab 20:00 Dom 07:30
Dom 22:00 Lun 07:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Kazuki O.image

Categorie insegnate

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Orari disponibili  

Lun 03:00 - 08:00
Mar 03:00 - 08:00
Mer 03:00 - 08:00
Gio 03:00 - 08:00
Ven 03:00 - 08:00
Sab 03:00 - 08:00
Dom 03:00 - 08:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Sarah Limage
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Categorie insegnate

Hello! My name is Sarah and I am a Canadian teacher.  Before moving to Japan, I used to teach English and French to Canadian public servants and immigrants. I lived in Japan for 5 years before returning home on PEI Canada, home of Anne of Green Gables.I have a degree in Environmental Economics and a certificate in sustainable urban agriculture. I love sharing my tips to live a more sustainable li
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 06:00 - 09:00
Lun 18:00 - 19:00
Lun 20:30 - 21:30
Mar 18:00 - 19:00
Mar 20:30 - 21:30
Mer 18:00 - 19:00
Mer 20:30 - 21:30
Gio 18:00 - 19:00
Gio 20:30 - 21:30
Ven 18:00 - 19:00
Ven 20:30 - 21:30
Sab 18:00 Dom 00:00
Dom 06:00 - 09:00
Dom 18:00 Lun 00:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

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