Taku Sensei's N3 lessons are well prepared and I think about the lesson long after it has finished. The lesson feedback is great and Taku Sensei is professional and fun. His voice is very clear and lessons are very well organised. Taku Sensei uses screen sharing and I am always confident of the content I am working on. I would recommend these N3 lessons to anyone who is considering the JLPT exam and also for those who need Japanese for daily conversation.
Ini membantu saya tumbuh sedikit sedikit tapi terus-menerus.
Saya yakin ini akan berguna untuk ngobrol dengan rekan-rekan di kemudian hari.
Kiko adalah guru yang luar biasa. Saya akan terus mengikuti kelas.
Hi my name is Bradley! ブラッドリーです!I live and work in Fargo, ND USA in the IT field, but have had a life of adventure in the US and Japan. I graduated from Concordia College in Moohead, MN and worked in the US until 1996 when I moved to Toyama, Japan. That's when my worldly adventures really began! I worked at an eikaiwa in Toyama city, but then moved Shizuoka prefecture after a couple years where I
Hello! My name is Jackie and it's a pleasure to meet you! I'm from Chicago, IL, USA but I currently reside in Aichi, Japan.About Me:My hobbies are cooking and eating, reading and writing, and learning languages. I'm also a fan of art and design, though language learning has taken over in recent years. In the future I would love to travel the world and meet people while speaking the local lan
最佳課程獎票選評價 2024 年秋冬最佳課程獎 →
Teacher DORIAN
kazue ishibashi
Daniel Julin
Megan Wilson
Charles (チャールズ)