Hi ! I am Hasshii Right now I am working for a research institution in Tokyo as an interpreter and also as a translator. Before this job, I worked as a simultaneous interpreter and also as an English teacher in Japan for 5 years. Before that, from 1992 till 2002, I was in Los Angeles for 10 years and worked for a nonprofit organization named Interconnection Center as the director of
I am Yoshiko, an English tutor and learning consultant.Based on my experience of learning English in Japan and over 20 years of teaching experience, I can help you learn English. It is important to take as much time as needed to learn English well in order to improve. However, it is not enough just to do it in quantity.The quality of your study is also very important.Even if you spend the same am
Nice to meet you, my name is Yee. Originally from Guangzhou, China, I can speak both standard Chinese and Cantonese. I have passed the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1. I am taking an hour of online English lessons every day. My hobbies are traveling, reading, studying languages, watching dramas and movies. After graduating from Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, I worked for eight ye
Hello everyone! I'm Aisaka and I live in Italy.I studied Italian by myself.Using that experience and based on the motto "continue to have fun", I use YouTube and PowerPoint in my lessons so students can understand more easily. I hope I can help those who are interested in learning Italian! About me…It all started when I first travelled to Italy. Since then, I developed my interest in Italy, its p
Hello! My name is Jenny, and I am from Seoul, South Korea! I am delighted to meet you!!! My English name “Jenny” was given to me by my very first native English teacher. I sometimes use my English name when I live abroad or in English classes because my Korean name has a “batchim” (a syllable block at the end) that can be difficult for non-Korean speakers to pronounce. When I was a university st
大家好!我是來自英國蘇格蘭愛丁堡,擁有 CELTA 證照的英語講師。我也在台灣過了三個月,而在法國過了五個月。我有線上和實體教學經驗,教過來自世界各地的學員,在課程上我們能一起度過一段快樂的時間!例如,我教授來自波蘭的 3 位學員約 2 個月,我和他們感情變得很好,還創群組互相推薦電影。另外,我也有在教日語、中文和法語,我透過 E Tandem 語言交換平台,在線上和多名語言交換夥伴聊過天。還和 1 位線上聊了 1 年多的語言夥伴實際見面,那真的是一個很刺激的經驗!也因此我很習慣在線上聊天,協助他人練習英語。和新朋友相見、歴史、旅行、電影...等等,我很喜歡和學員大聊你感興趣的各式主題。 我會配合你的需求變更課程內容,讓課程更輕鬆日常一點,主要透過有趣的活動,像是故事朗讀、口說遊戲來讓你練息。另外,文法、聽力、寫作、閱讀等,或是更正式的課程也都沒問題,請讓我了解你的需求。初學
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Raul Barrera
Mae Smith