こんにちは。ウィーン在住、ピアニスト・ピアノ講師のSaayaです。ただいまウィーンを拠点に演奏活動・指導・コンクールの審査等をしています。【音楽歴】桐朋女子高等学校 (ピアノ科)CRR de Paris パリ国立地方音楽院(DEMS)フランス国家上級音楽研究資格ウィーン国立音楽大学 (ピアノ演奏科)学士ウィーン国立音楽大学院 ( 〃 )修士 修了【指導歴】指導歴は16年です。19才で単身パリへ留学し、約12年間ヨーロッパ生活をするなかで国際色豊かな生徒さんに指導してきました。(イタリア、オーストリア、フランス、トルコ、中国、日本等)【レッスンの特色】ウィーンの伝統的なピアノ奏法を軸に初心者から上級者までわかりやすい指導を心がけています。ヨーロッパ式の自分で考える力を伸ばす事を目標としています。留学やコンクールの相談にも対応しています。私自身、音楽家の家庭出身ではないので単身で留学して
Nice to meet you♪ My name is Ai, and I work as a piano instructor. I have an unusual background in music, as I started playing the piano at the age of 5, went to music college, and after graduating, I worked in the apparel industry. During that time, I had a performance blank for more than 10 years. However, my love for music remained unchanged during that period, and I was determined to play the
I'm Dow-Shin, a shakuhachi instructor. From beginners to advanced students, from elementary school students to the elderly, from English-speaking countries (including broken words) to Japanese From Koten-honkyoku, Tozan-ryu honkyoku, Nursery rhymes, Minyou songs, Popular, Anime, folk songs, jazz, and other songs I will lesson the songs according to your wishes according to your level. I would like
Nice to meet you. My name is Toshiyuki Takimoto (Toshi T/104T).Thank you for your interest. 【About this course】【Digital and Creative Category】 My courses are mainly designed for children (3rd grade and above) to foster digital creativity. I am certified in youth counseling and my lesson have an at-home atmosphere that is tailored to each individual’s unique needs. I plan on offering lesson on
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Haruka Yao
kazue ishibashi
Charlotte A