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Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer) →

Her lesson is very important for my up grade lounge skil.
Teacher Ayame is great! Especially her recording is super high quality. Her lessons draw on all of her experience and give us a special sense of inspiration!! I love her lessons!!
書道をオンラインで習うのなんて、本当にできるのか半信半疑で始めました。 初めは字の一つ一つをお手本を見ながら書くだけで精一杯でした。でも先生の的確なアドバイスと丁寧な添削で、少しずつ書くことに慣れ、そして今では「書くこと」休日の楽しみになりました。先生が優しく褒めてくださることで、添削が返ってくるのも楽しみです。 自分のペースで長く続けられる、おすすめのレッスンです!
こちらが話したいことをきちんと聞き取ってくれます。 タロットの内容が、うなずけるほど納得のいくものでした。 今後の道しるべになりました。
50분간 길게 이야기해도 전혀 지루함 없이 즐겁게 이야기할 수 있었습니다.
I really enjoyed his class.
Results: 2,527 Tutors
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Jesus Arroyoimage

Categorie insegnate

❥ Please check the schedule. If you want to take lessons on a time other than the one listed in the schedule, please let me know the date and time that you’re available.  Hello! I'm Jesús Arroyo, originally from the lovely city of Seville, Spain, but currently living in Narita. 7 years ago I came to Japan to study Japanese and I fell in love with this country so much that I decided to come back to
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 09:30 - 13:00
Lun 14:00 - 19:00
Mar 09:30 - 13:00
Mar 14:00 - 19:00
Mer 09:30 - 13:00
Mer 14:00 - 19:00
Gio 09:30 - 13:00
Gio 14:00 - 19:00
Ven 09:30 - 13:00
Ven 14:00 - 19:00
Sab 12:30 - 20:00
Dom 12:30 - 20:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Tutor sticker image

Categorie insegnate

日本とドイツの大学で法律を勉強したのち、大手企業で5年間マネージャー職として働いていました。その後退職をして、現在はイタリアの学校でインテリアデザインを勉強しています。日本の大学生時代には3年間大手進学塾で講師、2年間家庭教師をしていました。小学生~中学生までの国語、英語、社会を教えられます。現在はイタリアの日本語学校で日本語を教えています。一緒に楽しく学びましょう!!相談などでも大丈夫ですよ!After studying law at universities in Japan and Germany, I worked for a major company for five years. I then quit my job and am now studying interior design at a school in Italy. While at university in
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 16:00 - 22:00
Lun 23:30 Mar 07:00
Mar 16:00 - 20:00
Mar 21:00 Mer 07:00
Mer 17:00 Gio 07:00
Gio 17:00 Ven 07:00
Ven 19:00 Sab 08:00
Sab 16:00 Dom 08:00
Dom 16:00 Lun 07:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Tutor sticker image

Categorie insegnate

こんにちは、はじめまして。ケンです^^27歳です。ペルー出身ですが8歳から日本育ちです。 スペイン語も話せます!!今はペルーに帰ってきてサン・マルティン県に住んでます。旅行や映画鑑賞、サッカー、バレーボール、音楽聴くのが好きです。料理もハマっています。最近は筋トレしています!!色んな方と話し新しい文化を知るのも好きです。よろしくお願いします(^^) 楽しく学びましょう!!スペイン語も教えれます。”講師経験”3年間講師経験があります、JLPT(日本語能力試験)ではN1持っています。 日本語は難しい言語って思われますが、実際はそうです、けど決して学ぶのは無理じゃないです。正しく勉強すればあなたもきっと習得できます、僕がその手伝いをする役となります。勉強や言語が苦手な方も大歓迎です。ではいつ始めるんですか?今でしょ!! 
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 12:30 - 14:00
Lun 14:00 - 16:00
Lun 22:00 Mar 01:00
Mar 05:00 - 08:30
Mer 03:00 - 06:00
Mer 11:00 - 12:30
Mer 14:00 - 16:00
Mer 22:00 Gio 01:00
Gio 04:00 - 05:30
Gio 09:00 - 11:00
Gio 23:00 Ven 02:00
Ven 05:00 - 07:00
Ven 12:00 - 14:00
Sab 14:00 - 16:00
Sab 22:00 Dom 01:00
Dom 05:00 - 07:00
Dom 12:00 - 16:00
Dom 22:00 Lun 01:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Tutor sticker image
Bella Jangimage

Categorie insegnate

Hello! I am Bella, and I teach Korean in a comfortable and sophisticated manner. I enjoy reading, discussing and learning.   I am currently working as a secretary for the CEO of a global manufacturing company, while teaching English on the side.   I also have a 5-years-old daughter, named Love :)   Being born and raised in South Korea, I am proud of being Korean. I joined Cafetalk t
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Orari disponibili  

Mar 19:30 - 21:00
Mer 19:30 - 21:00
Gio 19:30 - 21:00
Ven 19:30 - 21:00
Sab 10:00 - 11:30
Sab 16:00 - 18:00
Sab 19:30 - 22:30
Dom 10:00 - 11:30
Dom 16:00 - 18:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
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Categorie insegnate

Hi. I'm Meysareh, and I bring eight years of dedicated experience in teaching English. I hold a Master's degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language and a TESOL certification. Throughout my career, I have taught children, teenagers, and adults, tailoring my approach to meet the unique needs of each age group. My expertise spans conversational, business, and academic English.Education and Cert
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 05:00 - 07:30
Mar 05:00 - 07:30
Mer 05:00 - 07:30
Gio 05:00 - 07:30
Ven 05:00 - 07:30
Sab 05:00 - 07:30
Dom 05:00 - 07:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Tutor sticker image

Categorie insegnate

Hello! My name is Danes. I am from the Philippines but I am currently living in Japan. My hobbies are reading books , listening to music , watching movies and anime and doing karaoke. I have been living in Japan for almost nine month now. I am working as an Assistant English Teacher for Junior High School and Elementary School. When I was in the Philippines, I used to work as an ESL ( English as a
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 19:30 Mar 00:00
Mar 19:30 Mer 00:00
Mer 19:30 Gio 00:00
Gio 19:30 Ven 00:00
Ven 19:30 Sab 00:00
Sab 15:00 - 18:30
Sab 19:30 - 23:00
Dom 15:00 - 18:30
Dom 19:30 - 23:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Tutor sticker image
Teacher Maximage
Tutor ribbon image

Categorie insegnate

  Hello everyone! Bonjour ! My name is Max. I am 35 years old. I am from France but have been living in Cambodia (South East Asia) for 6 years now.I am a curious and emphatic person and have filled this curiosity and need of discovery by traveling in many countries in the world since my early twenties. (All over Europe, Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Thailand, Lao, India, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Se
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Orari disponibili  

Mar 11:30 - 13:00
Mar 16:00 - 20:00
Mer 11:30 - 13:00
Mer 16:30 - 21:30
Gio 11:30 - 13:00
Gio 16:30 - 21:30
Ven 11:30 - 13:30
Sab 15:30 - 19:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Tutor sticker image
Ms. Alyssaimage

Categorie insegnate

My name is Alyssa, I am from the United States and I am absolutely thrilled to be your teacher. With a passion for education and a commitment to your success, I am here to guide support and inspire you every step of the way.I am going to tell you a little about myself: I enjoy traveling, hiking sports, reading mystery novels and learning.I look forward to helping you develop the necessary linguist
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 07:30 - 10:00
Sab 07:00 - 10:30
Sab 22:30 - 23:30
Dom 07:30 - 11:00
Dom 22:30 - 23:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Tutor sticker image

Categorie insegnate

Hello everyone!   I’m Nailia, a TEFL and TESOL certified teacher with over 6 years of experience in teaching English and 2 years in exam preparation. I've been teaching online for 6 years, so I know how to make the learning process both entertaining and effective with videos, diagrams, games and interesting exercises.   I’m the kind of person who always wants to understand the "why" behind everyth
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 16:00 - 22:00
Mar 19:00 - 22:00
Mer 19:00 - 22:00
Gio 16:00 - 22:00
Ven 16:00 - 22:00
Sab 17:00 - 21:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Tutor sticker image
Alison Fisherimage

Categorie insegnate

Having lived in several countries and learned the local language, I can appreciate how difficult it can be to master a foreign language and how much I benefitted from the support offered by teachers. I want to give back by helping you to gain a high level of confidence in advanced English conversation. After all, languages are fascinating creatures!    Grammar is a particular point of interest to
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 20:00 Mar 09:30
Mar 20:00 Mer 09:30
Mer 20:00 Gio 09:30
Ven 03:00 - 09:30
Ven 20:00 Sab 09:30
Sab 20:00 Dom 09:30
Dom 20:00 Lun 09:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

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