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Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →

Hola, I've always loved Spanish but have had a hard time continuing my studies and have had many setbacks. But thank you, with your lessons I think I can continue without any stress and have fun. Muchas gracias.
在仏、日仏9歳の息子のレッスンをお願いしています。 日本語補習校の宿題を中心に見て頂いております。 集中力が途切れた時も声掛けをしてくださったり、臨機応変に対応していただき助かっています。 引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。
かおる先生はとても誠実で優しいです。話す機会をたくさん与えてくれますが、ゆっくりと新しい表現を教えてくれます。彼女のレッスンは本当に楽しいです! Kaoru sensei is really kind! She always gives me a lot of chances to talk and leaves room for me to think, which I really appreciate, I think this is the art of teaching! She also takes it slow and introduces new expressions that are very useful, and gives me a chance to use them again. I've been really enjoying her lessons and I highly recommend her!
折り紙やワークを使い、常に生徒を飽きさせない工夫が素晴らしいです! 保育園児の時からお世話になっていますが、最初はうまく角を合わせることが出来ずに泣き出してしまったり、レッスン中の集中力が続かなかったりしましたが、根気よく教えていただき、小3の今では、折り方を注意深く読み、正しく折ること、細かく折ることが出来るようになりました。 おかげさまで、算数は得意科目です。本人も「できる」体験を積み重ね、自信をもっています。今後ともよろしくお願いします。
Teacher Bien provided me with some very useful suggestions to adjust the order of my speech and slides. I moved the Otani slide to the beginning, and it created an amazing and engaging effect! It was such a pleasure talking to you during that stand-by lesson. Thank you so much for your guidance. :)
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Hi! I am Namiko from Tokyo. My friends often tell me that they like how I am kind and calm all the time. Teaching Japanese and helping people are what I am passionate about. At Cafetalk, I would love to be your help by teaching you Japanese! As I grew up in Tokyo, I can teach you standard Japanese. After graduating from the International Christian University (ICU), I worked as an editor at a publi
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 19:00 - 22:00
Mar 19:00 - 22:00
Mer 19:00 - 22:00
Gio 19:00 - 22:00
Ven 19:00 - 22:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

Hello, how are you? My name is Elizabeth. But you can call me BethC.  By day I am a baker, dancer and movie fanatic. I also teach at a primary school English for children ages from 7 to 13. By night, I help students build their career by increasing their confidence in English. Helping people with fixing their Lexical and Grammar and function and phonology. Tutoring people to get them to know the E
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 07:30 Mar 02:30
Mar 08:00 Mer 04:00
Mer 08:00 Gio 03:30
Gio 08:00 - 23:30
Ven 04:00 Sab 02:00
Sab 07:00 - 14:00
Sab 16:30 Dom 01:00
Dom 07:00 - 13:30
Dom 16:00 Lun 02:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

Riguardo alle lezioni: Converseremo molto su argomenti che vi interessano! Potrete facilmente ricordare nuovi vocaboli legati ai vostri hobby e interessi! Imparerete a parlare più fluentemente e vi divertirete tanto! Questo vi motiverà a continuare a imparare e a costruire la vostra sicurezza nel parlare in modo più naturale! Riceverete sempre un feedback personalizzato per ogni lezione. Acquisire
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Orari disponibili  

Mar 14:00 - 23:00
Mer 14:00 - 23:00
Gio 14:00 - 23:00
Ven 14:00 - 23:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Life Coach Yuuimage

Categorie insegnate

あなたのお悩み相談してみませんか?はじめまして!!Life Coach Yuu(ライフコーチゆう)です☆毎日過ごしていく中であのこと、そのこと、何だかモヤモヤ、解決しないけどずっと考えたり、そんな時ありますよね。。。お悩みを九星気学で占います。自分のことを理解して、知って、そこにはパッと何かが見えて開いていきましょう!そして人生を良くしていきたいですよね♪♪♪人生の岐路に立ち、悩むあなたを確かな実戦経験を持つLife Coach Yuuがサポートします!【講師プロフィール】Life Coach Yuu(ライフコーチゆう)占い師兼会社員。大手企業の営業マーケティング部門、人事総務部門で勤務経験を持つ。ビジネスマンとして勤務する傍ら、東洋思想に基づく九星気学(開運鑑定術)の専門知識を学ぶ。多くのビジネスパーソンと向き合ってきた経験、自身の転職経験、マネジメントの経験を踏まえつつ、九星気学の専門
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 20:00 - 22:00
Mar 20:00 - 22:00
Mer 20:00 - 22:00
Gio 20:00 - 22:00
Ven 20:00 - 22:00
Sab 08:00 - 22:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Tutor ribbon image

Categorie insegnate

Bonjour! I’m a French native speaker from Paris, with a multicultural background that shapes my unique approach to teaching. Growing up in France with roots in both Japan and Africa, I bring a global perspective to every lesson, helping students not only learn the language but also understand the cultural nuances that come with it. I also bring my African roots to the lesson: did you know that Fre
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 19:00 - 23:00
Mar 01:00 - 05:00
Mar 19:00 - 23:00
Mer 19:00 - 23:00
Gio 01:00 - 05:00
Gio 19:00 - 23:00
Ven 03:30 - 05:30
Ven 19:00 - 23:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Zeyad Elazabimage

Categorie insegnate

  SELF INTRODUCTION I am very good at languages; Arabic is my mother language, I am fluent in English, French, and Italian. In addition to this, I have good command of Finnish, German and Spanish. TEACHING BACKGROUND I have great experience in online teaching. I teach English, French and Arabic to students from many countries around the world (Japan, Taiwan, Korea, China, etc.) I lived in Finland
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 03:30 - 04:00
Lun 14:30 - 15:00
Mar 03:30 - 04:00
Mar 14:30 - 15:00
Mer 03:30 - 04:00
Mer 14:30 - 15:00
Gio 03:30 - 04:00
Gio 14:30 - 15:00
Ven 03:30 - 04:00
Ven 14:30 - 15:00
Sab 03:30 - 04:00
Sab 14:30 - 15:00
Dom 03:30 - 04:00
Dom 14:30 - 15:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

Hello there♬ My name is Chiho.I've passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test in 2011and completed the Japanese Language Teacher Training Couse in 2022.   I'm so friendly and energetic. I like jogging, dancing Zumba, playing piano, cooking and traveling around. And I love talking with people!!   So I teach you Japanese with free talk, off course.  And I can
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 19:00 - 22:00
Mer 19:00 - 22:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

¡Hola!  mi nombre es Karen, gracias por ver mi en León, Nicaragua. El español que hablo es muy neutro, tengo experiencia en la enseñanza he alfabetizado a niños de escasos recursos y personas mayores, se adaptarme a las necesidades de cada estudiante.Me gusta viajar, ver películas y series, pasar tiempo con mi familia y amigos. Como d
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 22:00 - 23:30
Mar 00:00 - 00:30
Mar 22:00 - 23:30
Mer 00:00 - 00:30
Mer 22:00 - 23:30
Gio 00:00 - 00:30
Gio 22:00 - 23:30
Ven 00:00 - 00:30
Ven 03:30 - 04:00
Ven 04:30 - 05:00
Ven 22:00 - 22:30
Ven 23:00 - 23:30
Sab 00:00 - 00:30
Sab 03:30 - 04:00
Sab 04:30 - 05:00
Sab 05:30 - 06:00
Sab 06:30 - 07:00
Sab 07:30 - 08:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.

Categorie insegnate

KIDS WELCOME!Hello, hello and nice to meet you all! My name is Chriss and I come from Romania/Transylvania aka the land of Dracula and recently also known as the Silicon Valley of Eastern Europe. I'm an ambivert gamer who likes traveling, extreme sports, classic literature and meeting new people. I'm a friendly and cheerful person, full of energy and dynamic with a passion for teaching which turn
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 17:00 Mar 07:00
Mar 17:00 Mer 07:00
Mer 17:00 Gio 07:00
Gio 17:00 Ven 07:00
Ven 17:00 Sab 07:00
Sab 17:00 Dom 07:00
Dom 17:00 - 19:30
Dom 20:00 Lun 07:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Dexter Barrett Wootenimage

Categorie insegnate

Hello! My name is Dexter Wooten. I am a citizen of the United States of America – born in 1992. I am a native speaker of English. I began my life as an ESL teacher in 2016. I’ve lived in both China and Thailand and now I am and have been teaching online ever since the beginning of the pandemic situation. I have been tutoring people from many different countries. Most of my students are from East A
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Orari disponibili  

Lun 13:00 - 18:00
Mar 13:00 - 18:00
Mer 13:00 - 18:00
Gio 13:00 - 18:00
Ven 13:00 - 18:00
Sab 13:00 - 18:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
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