The worksheet Tanya has designed is well-organized and easy to understand. During the session, the students have a lot of opportunities to practice speaking and learn more natural English expressions. Thanks, Tanya.
Hi! My name is David and I'm from the UK. My aim is to make the atmosphere comfortable and relaxed and the classes creative and fun, whilst helping you develop as an English speaker. I have some teaching experience from when I worked as a volunteer in Mozambique some years ago. I was teaching the students basic English grammar and words. As my level of Portuguese was basic I improvised,
Hello. I'm abacus teacher Chie. Since 2004 I've been living in Istanbul, Turkey. Since about 8 years ago I've been teaching abacus to Turkish children. I teach to 3 to 5 year-olds in group lessons at kindergartens. I have about 300 students. Here on Cafetalk it is my aim to teach the abacus, with careful focus on the correct use of the fingers. I'd like to teach lessons that children will say ar
Hello, I am Arturo Sensei I am a Spanish teacher for foreigners with over 5 years of experience. My main goal is to help you achieve your Spanish objectives, whether it’s enjoying it as a hobby or obtaining the C2 certification in the DELE exam if you wish. I invite you to discover that learning Spanish is more fun than you imagine. Who am I? Graduated in Communication Sciences. I am fortunate to
Hi I am Linda.A , but you're welcome to call me Linda. I am from Taiwan,Taipai, a Japanese citizen and living in Japan Tokyo now. l am pretty down-to-earth and talkative. I enjoy having conversations with people and will do my best to help you. CertificationJLPT,Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1 in 1998/2JETRO Japanese Business Proficiency Test Level in 1999/7ITIL Fo
みなさん、こんにちは!フリーランス日本語教師のYukaです。Hi! I'm Yuka, a Japanese language teacher.大家好,我是一名專業日文老師.・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・私は2016年から日本語を教えています。2016年から2021年まで、東京にある日本語学校で教えて、2021年から今まではオンラインで世界中の人に日本語を教えています。Youtube【Yuka's nihongo cafe】でもいろいろな日本語のコンテンツを発信しています。Podcastもあるので、ぜひ聞いてください! I have been teaching Japanese since 2016. From 2016 to 2021, I taught at a Japanese language school in Tokyo, and from 2021 until
안녕하세요?한국어강사 Chaewon입니다. 서울에서 태어났고 일본에 산 지 7년이 되었습니다.지금은 두 아이를 키우면서 한국과 일본을 오가며 양국의 아름다움을 만끽하며 지내고 있습니다.언어를 배운다는 것은 나에게 또 다른 세계가 생겨나는 것을 의미합니다.저 또한 일본어를 배우며 일본문화를 이해하게 되면서 저의 세상이 더 넓어짐을 깨달았습니다.남편의 이직으로 일본으로 와서 많은 일본인 분들에게 한국어를 가르쳐달라는 요청을 받았습니다. 그것이 계기가 되어 한국어교원자격증을 취득하게 되었고 한국어수업을 하면서 많은 일본인 학습자들을 만날 수 있었습니다. 한국어를 가르친다는 것은 정말 보람된 일이었습니다.여러분도 저와 함께 한국어를 배우는 기쁨을 느껴보시기를 바랍니다.こんにちは。韓国語講師のChaewonです。ソウル生
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Megan Wilson
Tanya Forbes