Runa Sensei makes writing diaries fun. I enjoy getting a reply diary as not only it helps for reading practise but it's like getting an award for all that hard work writing!
Hello, my name is Minami. I am a certified Japanese language teacher. Whether you are a beginner or aiming to pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, I will provide lessons according to your level. Students will study using textbooks to improve their language skills. I set my lesson costs at a very low price. Please do not hesitate to take a lesson. I have been to 30 countries around the worl
伽利略.伽利萊(1564~1642年)在500年前就告訴我們:「你無法教別人任何東西,你只能幫助別人發現一些東西。(You cannot teach a man anything, You can only help him find it within himself.)」 讓我們一起去發掘出你的語學才能吧!想前往國外大學念書、想學職場英語、想提升小孩的英語能力......全都交給我吧!我是位退役軍人(前飛行員),我在密西根大學取得英語教學的學士學位後,又進入研究所修讀語言學及閱讀技能。此外,我還擁有TESOL及TEFL(教授外國人英語之證照)。我不是空有學歷,我還有長年的教學經驗,正因為如此我才能提供合適的學習建議。我在越戰後離開軍隊6年,到亞利桑那州的Northern Navajo(印第安人)保留地教授國高中生閱讀及英語(在回到軍隊從事航空相關工作之前),我在也取得了相關教學證照。
Let's get rid of that boring, dreadful school life! Let's make those boring and annoying classes our favorite! One step up from what you were yesterday! I'll teach you until you understand!! Hello! I became an elementary school teacher because I love children. For the past 27 years, I have been a teacher at a public elementary school.I have taught a total of about 1,000 children.In addition, I wor
Hello, everyone! I have a natural passion for languages, so I will be happy to assist you learning English or Spanish (or CAD). I have worked as a teacher for the last 4 years, with students of all ages. Language learning has always been fascinating for me and I hope to transmit you that outlook. Are you willing to learn a language? Great! You've achieved a lot. Now I will do my best to keep you
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Najada J.B
Sae K
Teacher Judy
Luna M