It is thanks to my time speaking with Keisuke that the inherent embarrassment of speaking a second language as a beginner had largely dissipated by the time I had to use the language ‘in the field’.
大家好,我是yuka,我目前住在日本的奈良縣。奈良是日本最早的首都,這裡有許多深具歷史意義的建築物及重要文化財產和國寶。奈良知名的東大寺大佛殿被聯合國列為世界遺産,而日本傳統的飲食文化ー和食也在近年被列為無形文化財產,讓和食在全球軒起一陣風潮。和食的「和」這個字有融洽、舒緩及友好的意思,因此我想抱持著「和」之心與各位進行日語交流指導! 我在The World Japanese Language Centre所開設函授課程中修完了420小時的日語教師養成課程,目前一週也有兩天會去國際交流中心教授日語。除了使用大家的日本語上課及協助你準備JLPT日語能力測驗以外,我也會將日本新聞及報紙編入教材,讓學員也能藉此機會多接觸日本文化及認識了解日本人的想法。我的興趣是接觸不同的文化,因此我很喜歡練習英語會話,我也喜歡去旅行或看電影、聽音樂,另外我非常喜歡毛小孩,現在家裡有養一隻黒柴。其他像是下廚、做麵
Hello, I am Teacher B I invite you to join me in class to enhance your English proficiency. I reside along the coastline of South Africa with my ten-year-old son, who inspired me to write and illustrate a children's storybook, embracing my love for creativity and English. I am a dedicated, qualified TEFL teacher. Teaching English to Young Learners certified. I graduated with an NSC
Welcome to my class! My name is Elsie and I am from the Philippines. I am a licensed professional teacher and I have been working as an English teacher since 2016. In my class, I use props pictures and toys for kids. I can help you with grammar, pronunciation, speaking or if you just want someone to talk with, I can help you and guide you. I always focus on my students and my students' learning a
English is below!こんにちは!サキと申します。現在、兵庫県北部の田舎町で保育園の子供さんから、大人の方まで来ていただける書道教室を開講しています。Cafetalkでは、「字を綺麗にしたいな」「書道っておもしろそうだな」といった思いを持っていらっしゃる大人の方(中学生以上)の初心者向けレッスンと、小学生対象の習字レッスンをご提供します。■用いる筆記具・えんぴつ(小学生)/ペン字(大人)・中筆■レッスンの方針大人の方には一文字一文字丁寧に、字を美しく見せるポイントをお伝えし、日常少し意識するだけで成果を感じるようなレッスンに努めます。また、書道は「心のヨガ」と呼ばれるように、ヒーリング効果もあると言われています。忙しい毎日の中に少しだけ時間をとって、心を落ち着ける。癒し、楽しみとなるような時間を提供できればと願っています。小学生には、何より「字を書くことを継続すること、苦手だと
I was born and raised in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I have been an educator in the Ann Arbor area since 2000. That is when I graduated from the University of Michigan. Later, I obtained a Master’s Degree in school counseling from Eastern Michigan University. In the years that followed, I taught English, theater, Spanish, and spent ten years as a high school counselor in Ann Arbor. Now, I live near Ann A
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Jess JB
Raya J
Lady Nathaly
Nana, Kyoto