Thank you for taking your time to read my profile. T.tadahiro / I am a 33 year old from Chiba Prefecture, Japan. I am currently working as a company employee, while raising my children and enjoying playing Shōgi (Japanese chess) as a hobby! 【Favourite Shōgi Strategies】 ・振り飛車 Swinging Rook (I especially like the Fourth File Rook.) 【Background in Shōgi】 ・I learned to play Shōgi as a third grad
Hello, I'm Yumi. Nice to meet you. Do you like to study? Is it fun? Break the vicious cycle of "I don't know" and "I'm not good at it" and beginning from today and turn it into "I understand" equals "it's fun" equals "I'm good at it".You can't motivate an unmotivated student, but you can help a student who can’t do something to be able to achieve that something. This is because it's not that they
Hello^^ I am reirjunko, a professional makeup artist. When I was in my 20s, I didn’t know how to apply makeup... When I applied makeup on myself, it made me look as if I had a Noh mask on. I attended a “makeup workshop” withthe desire to feel beautiful, andI still can’t forget how impressed I was when it was over. I no longer had any flushing on my cheeks, and my eyebrows were beautifully arrange
Hello. Nice to meet you. My name is Asako. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I was born in Tokyo and have lived in Tokyo all my life. After graduating from university, I attended a Japanese language teacher training course and graduated with a 420-hour certificate. Since then, I have been teaching Japanese to students from many different countries for over 25 years at an international exchange as
I am Shiori, a Japanese language tutor! I am 22 years old, and I live in Japan. I have taught Japanese to both children and adults at Japanese language schools, on online platforms, and in volunteer lessons. 【Qualifications】Passed the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test Graduated with a minor in Japanese Language Education【 Cafetalk Translation / August 2024 】 Please note that this profile
はじめまして、こんにちは!幼児さんから大人まで楽しめるレッスンを提供しています。【講師について】英日バイリンガルアメリカの大学にて教育学履修TESOL及びTEFL(英語教授法)修了講師読書や多読をベースにしたレッスンでスピーキング、発音、語彙力、リスニング、ライティングまでバランスよくレベルアップを目指しましょう!多読は英語力アップ、スキル向上に非常にお勧めです!ネイティブの英語が聞こえる!スピーキング力アップ!を目指したい生徒さんの伴走者です!【使用教材】イギリスの学校で教科書として採用されるOxford Reading Tree (ORT)アメリカの小学校教材やホームスクール教材アメリカESL教材などフリートークやワークシート、ライティングなど幅広く取り組みます。生きた英語、日常よく使うワードやフレーズに触れることができますよ!**ESLとは・・・母国語を英語としない生徒さんが、海外の
みなさん、こんにちは!フリーランス日本語教師のYukaです。Hi! I'm Yuka, a Japanese language teacher.大家好,我是一名專業日文老師.・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・私は2016年から日本語を教えています。2016年から2021年まで、東京にある日本語学校で教えて、2021年から今まではオンラインで世界中の人に日本語を教えています。Youtube【Yuka's nihongo cafe】でもいろいろな日本語のコンテンツを発信しています。Podcastもあるので、ぜひ聞いてください! I have been teaching Japanese since 2016. From 2016 to 2021, I taught at a Japanese language school in Tokyo, and from 2021 until
안녕하세요. ✨저를 소개할게요.✨ ⭕️경희대학교 외국어대학 한국어학과 전공 한국 문화와 한국어에 어릴 적부터 관심이 많았어요. 한국의 전래동화에 푹 빠져 책 속에서 살곤 했어요. 그러다가 한국어 선생님이 될 수 있는 학과로 대학을 가게 되었어요!⭕️미국 Brigham Young university 한국어학과 전공 연수 대학교에서 미국을 가는 기회가 생겼어요. 바로 영어 수업을 청강하면서도 Brigham Young 대학교의 한국어 전공 강의를 직접 청강하고 직접 교실을 만들어 수업을 진행했어요. 미국에서는 어떻게 한국어학과 강의가 진행되고 있는지 직접 눈으로 보니 정말 신기하고 즐거웠어요. 나중에는 제가 직접 서울에 있는 4대문에 대해 강의하고 왔답니다!⭕️에듀리프 학원, 국어, 수학 과외 선생님 대학
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