Hi there! I’m Mae, a professional and certified ESL teacher with over 10 years of experience helping students from all backgrounds improve their English skills. Whether you’re just starting or aiming to advance your proficiency, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. In my lessons, you’ll get to practice real-world English for business, travel, or everyday conver
Annyeonghaseyo^^ My name is Maki_N05. When I was a high school student, I became interested in South Korea after I fell in love with a TV-drama series called “Dae Jang Geum”. After entering the workforce, I worked for a company in Seoul, South Korea for a year as part of the company’s training program, thus I lived there for a total of two years. I love the Korean l
Hello! I’m Eriko.F.I always wanted do work that helped children grow, so I became a teacher and taught middle school social studies. Currently, I work in employee training at a general corporation and on the side I help elementary schoolers and middle schoolers with their studies via Skype. People grow every day. Only compare yourself to who you were yesterday. There’s no need to compare yourself
【ご挨拶】こんにちは!Fruitful Life FP相談室です。ファイナンシャルプランナー(FP)として、「お金に関する知識(お金リテラシー)を増やすためのレッスン」を開講しております。アラフォー・アラフィフの方は 昨今の「2000万円問題」などを見聞きして老後資金について、ご心配の方や情報から取り残されている気がしている方も多いと思っております。 何から始めればよいのか、資産運用をする前にやるべきことなどから投資の始め方などについて勉強し、楽しい老後を迎えるべく準備を整えていきましょう。また20代・30代の方向けには、基本的なお金の知識と時間を味方にそれぞれの状況に応じた貯蓄や投資方法、保険加入の基本的な考え方等を共有していきたいと思っております。四季報や企業のIRページの見方、株価・株価チャート等から何を読み取るか、等もお話させていただくので、お仕事にも役立つかも!2024年1月か
Hi! Let's master the English level you find ideal in 3 months! This is Chika, an English master coach who can help you master English in a short period & a free spirit coordinator! I helped students achieve 93.3% of students' aim achievement rate in all genres of business English, TOEIC, and daily conversation! I've already shown the proof of the success, and by using the easy-to-follow "Sim
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Nicholas W.
Jess JB
Professeur Nico
Paolo Lodi