Jaslyn is very enthusiastic and passionate about the class. She uses various methods to help me practice speaking, and her feedback after class is always detailed and organized. Each class with her is incredibly valuable to me, and I truly appreciate her teaching.
Tinei is a wonderful teacher. His lesson plan is very nice. He encourages us to keep talking. With him learning English is really fun. I'm sure we are improving.
Ms. Shezel leads the lesson in deep discussion on books and thoughts. It's a good exercise for summarizing a book and my opinion spontaneously. I like her lesson because it is like a small book club.
大家好!我是德语讲师Emma。★自我介绍★我毕业于德国的耶拿大学,主修「Deutsch als Fremdsprache(二外德语)」,也就是类似日本的日语教育。我具备教授外籍人士德语的专业知识,还曾在京都的大学实习1个月,期间担任初中级德语对话班的讲师。★关于课程★我的课很注重口说,具体而言就是不太会使用艰涩的语法。我会先让学员记住日常生活中常用的说法,再去自然而然地习得语法规则,虽然不太适合想以语法为中心学习的人,但很推荐重视对话及对语法有点感冒的人预约。不只是语言,我也有提供能学到德语圈习俗及文化的课程。※详细内容请看各课程之介绍。★兴趣★我的兴趣是学习外语和旅行,除了德语以外,我还会英语、法语、韩语及一点俄语和卢森堡语。针对有需要的学员,我也能提供外语学习建议。我也很喜欢吉祥物及动画角色,我是职棒吉祥物、懒懒熊及宝可梦的粉丝。我特别爱宝可梦,动画几乎都是看德语版!感谢你看到最后,
各位学员,大家好!我叫Jasmin,目前住在德国首都柏林。我在10年前左右毕业后,偶然路过这个城镇,从此就对它一见锺情,决定搬来这定居。柏林是个应有尽有的城市,举凡艺术、历史、大自然、夜生活你都能在这裡找到!我从很久以前开始就对语言很有兴趣,也因此我在学校选修了英语及德语的相关课程。我本身是德语母语者,我也很喜欢阅读及撰写故事。我从去年5月开始在歌德学院(Goethe-institute)研修,为的是取得DAF(Deutsch als Fremdsprache=教授外国人德语的证照)。我学英语长达20年以上,还曾担任过一年左右的家庭教师。我也在3年前开始学日语,我非常喜欢日本这个国家及文化、人民还有语言!虽然我的日语还说得不太流利,但我会持续努力学习!我是个头号奇幻迷,我非常热爱人鱼、妖精、独角兽或魔法相关的神奇事物,此外我也很热衷于RPG及电脑游戏、纸笔游戏等。我也很喜欢音乐剧,最喜欢
My name is M O E, and I love the German language! Thank you for visiting my profile page. Self Introduction I have written many essays, papers, and presentations in German during my graduate school years in Germany. I have also worked as a German to Japanese interpreter for German professors at music festivals, given German lessons to music exchange students, and helped them with their life i
Hallo liebe Freunde und Schüler!I am Jacinta Eve, I firmly believe that communication is a strength that opens doors for all of us. Mastering languages has been one of my life goals.EXPERIENCE:GERMANI am a certified Deutsch B2 TELC passer with 4 years teaching experience.I teach at a German Review Center, and I’m proud that many of my students have successfully passed the B2 Zertifikat in TELC and
Hello! I'm Chika, and I currently work as a German translator. Many people think that German is a difficult language, but I can teach you step by step, since I’ve experienced learning a lot of German grammar myself. Whether you’re a beginner or you’ve already been studying German for awhile, I can help! Let’s enjoy learning German together! When I first went to Germany, I spoke absolutely zer
Hallo! My name is Emily and if you are looking for creative ways to improve your German speaking or writing skills you came to just the right place. I would describe myself as patient and open-minded, and my experiences in different fields of life, such as biology, music, theater and more, helpful to understanding the person I talk to and adapting to their needs. Teaching Experience
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