Japonés | Native |
Inglés | Near-Native |
Coreano | Just a few words |
Hello! My name is Akko.
I graduated from an American university.
When I was in the States, I worked at the ESL office in my university, and handled students’ visa applications, enrolling to the program, and many on campus activities. I really enjoyed interacting with people from different countries, and all the experiences were precious for me.
Since I was interested in different cultures, I worked as a conversation partner, and helped many people learning Japanese.
After graduating, I came back to Japan, and started working for an office furniture company as a sales in Tokyo.
After few years, I was transferred to Osaka, and worked at their showroom.
However, I changed my carrier a few years ago, because I felt what I wanted to do was teaching English, and Now, I work for one of the largest Language institute as a professional English teacher.
My hobbies…
What I like the most is watching American TV shows.
I’ve been watching a lot of them since I came back (almost every day...)
I also like watching sports, especially baseball, both armature and professional.
I really like traveling whenever I have a chance. Because I wanna see the world! Since I made friends with many foreign exchange students, I love to visit them every now and then. Especially, I go to South Korea often to see my friends, so I know a little bit of Korean too :)
Q. Akko Y.講師、こんにちは! 簡単に自己紹介をお願いします。 A. こんにちは。カフェトークで講師をしているAkkoです。 自他ともに認める明るくフレンドリーな性格です。いつも明るく笑顔でレッスン♪がモットーです。 高校生の頃から本格的に英語に興味を持ち、後にアメリカの大学へ。勉学に遊びに思いっきり青春を謳歌しました。留学中の学習量は受験勉強よりも多かったです。専攻はコミュニケーション学です。沢山のグループワークを経験しプレゼンテーションやペーパーの構成をするのも得意です。 Q. 今住んでいらっしゃる場所はどんなところかご紹介お願いします。 A. 今は故郷てある大阪に住んでいます。大学卒業後は東京で働いていましたが転勤で大阪に帰ってきました。 今住んでいるところは母校の高校の近くです。アクセスが便利なところなんですが高校生だったころから街は変わり、近所にはbarやレストランが沢...