2021 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter)
July - December 2021 Cafetalk Special Event
Thank you for learning with us and our amazing Tutors this Autumn/Winter 2021!
Thank you for learning with us and our amazing tutors this Autumn/Winter 2021!
While 2021 has still been a year far from what we might have considered normal until recently, it has also been a bit less turbulent than the previous year. Many of us have adapted to doing more things online and at Cafetalk we have also seen that development reflected in a growing interest in various online lessons and events. As the end of this year is drawing closer we are excited to get into a festive mood with all of you, celebrate the big and small successes and express our gratitude to our students and tutors. We hope that Cafetalk has been a source of joy and learning for you in 2021 and we look forward to many new fun and inspiring lesson experiences in the new year!
So, as every year, as 2021 is about to end we are opening up the polls one more time to let you, the students, choose the most popular lessons & tutors of the second half of 2021☆★
Vote for a favorite lesson that you’ve been taking on a regular basis, or let the world know about a new rising star you’ve discovered.
Make sure to support the tutors you think deserve some recognition for all their hard work!
ネイティブの様な発音が学べるフォニックスで カタカナ英語を帰国子女みたいな発音に