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Language Fluency

Giapponese Madrelingua

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Tutor’s Columns

Tantissime notizie e curiosità del mondo dai nostri tutor di Cafetalk!
Published 26 Feb, 2025 | View: 106
Published 27 Jun, 2023 | View: 2282
Published 15 Jun, 2023 | View: 1880
かなりのご無沙汰になりました(^^;) なんだかんだと過ごしているうちに、もう今年も半分になろうとしています!コロナの影響を受け続けているわけですが・・・そんな中でも少しずつ変化がありました。なんと...
Published 26 Nov, 2022 | View: 2952
コラム投稿も久しぶり(^^;) コラム内容も映画のブログUP(笑) ですが気分転換には最高です(笑)自宅でのんびり疲れない映画鑑賞(*^^*) 青羽美代子オフィシャルサイトブログ http://mi...
Published 9 Sep, 2022 | View: 2720
去年、わたくし、CDを出しました。題名は「未来の星」と「たそがれて二人」その歌の「デュエット曲」の方が、カラオケDAMで配信になりました~~(^^)(^^)/ 8月23日から全国のDAMで歌うことが...

Hi, my name is Aoba Miyoko.

I have wanted to be a voice actor since I was in elementary school, so I have been studying theater.
I was dubbing for Yume ga Kanai, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Sally the Witch, Fist of the North Star and other anime and Western films.

I am now holding a reading class to help people understand the beauty of the Japanese language. We also hold "reading sessions" twice a year.
For more information, you can search for "Miyoko Aoba," it will bring me up.
You can also find it here:

Would you like to learn proper pronunciation and vocalization while having a fun conversation?
Few advises can change your reading voice and improve it.
Please feel free to ask me anything.

I also love to travel, I go abroad once or twice a year.
Let's exchange about Japan's culture and your country's culture while practicing Japanese !
For people who live in Japan, people who plan to come to Japan, people interested in Japan, people who want to try to speak Japanese, please feel free to contact me.
I will be waiting for your messages !
I look forward to here about you.

【 Cafetalk Translation / April 2020 】

Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. The tutor doesn't speak English.

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  • Più di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione.→ La cancellazione è possibile in qualsiasi momento.
  • Meno di 24 ore prima dell'inizio della lezione→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione.
  • No-Show→ Il tutor potrebbe richiedere una penale per la cancellazione. Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.
    (Si prega di controllare i dettagli del tutor.)

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