Hi guys!
I'm Tomo.dubai from Japan.
I was born and rasied in Japan, Kanto area(includes Tokyo).
I used to fly all over the world as a cabin crew based in Dubai for 11 year till 2021.
I love traveling and experiencing different cultures especially foods. hehe
I used to teach Japanese to students from Philipines, China, Togo and Slovakia. Some needed super basics and others were advanced levels.
I am super happy to teach you from very first steps, or help you with what you have been working on.
I learned english as the second language, so I understand someties it is a struggle, but we can do small steps together with classes.
I was grown up around Tokyo, Chiba, Saitama. I speak with standarad Japanese accent.(Which sometimes I wish I know how to speak in a different accent).
I am really keen to study with you!

Ahalan wa sa7lan!!
Ana Tomo men Yaban.
Ana ken sekin bel Dubay wa7ad w ashr snin.
7alla ana sekin bel Yaban.
Arabe mesh ktir kher bas Ana ktir ba7eb e7eke arabe w englese.
Ana b7eb Akel arabe. hehe
Inshalla ne7na bydrousna Yabaniya!
Yalla bshoufon ariiban.
I know my arabic isnt that great, but I loved the life in Dubai and had lots of arabic friends.
If you are an arab and wanna learn Japanese in English language, probably I am the best one for you!
Yalla sadiki<3 let's study with me.
