Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day in English! Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day in English!

Celebrate Saint Patrick's Day in English!

Let's learn the history and traditions of Saint Patrick's Day
- Ireland's most famous holiday!


日期与时间 Tue March 12nd, 2024 19:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
长度 约 30 分钟
价格 免费
录像 500 点 (另售)
活动语言 英语
Kara Moore Penney

Top O' the mornin' to ya! My name is Kara, and I am from NYC in the USA. My family came to NYC from Ireland in the early 1900's. I am very proud of my Irish heritage, and I would love to talk about the history and traditions behind the holiday! Get the gift of the gab and come talk with me about Saint Patrick's Day!


Saint Patrick's day is celebrated all around the world. It is a day of food, family, parades, and of course green! Grab some bangers and mash, and let's use the gift of the gab to talk about how this holiday started, why we celebrate it, and Irish traditions.

  • 1. Self Introduction (1 minute)
  • 2. Introduction about Ireland (2 minutes)
  • 3. What is SPD (3 minutes)
  • 4. Who was Saint Patrick (5 minutes)
  • 5. Why green? (3 minutes)
  • 6. Traditions, food, dress (5 minutes)
  • 7. Conclusion (2 minutes)
  • 8. Q & A (5 minutes)


Anyone who is interested.


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