How Do You Manage Stress?


Hi everyone. This week I have been thinking a lot about one topic: stress--specifically, the best way to manage it!

Stress comes our way in so many forms. For me, my current source of stress is the fact that I am moving to a new country! I have been living in Japan for two years, and I love it here. However, due to life's twists and turns, I will be relocating to New York City in September. That means I have a lot on my plate! Packing, selling items and clothing, finding an apartment, registering for new healthcare, making time to say goodbye to all the special people I've met, and more!

I realized that I have been thinking of my stress as one giant, intimidating problem, instead of breaking it down into smaller, and more manageable tasks. I have recently started telling myself a new mantra--"one foot in front of the other". To me, this means that I cannot do everything all at once, but what I can do is is focus on one small task at a time!

Managing stress is so important, and most of us deal with stress in some form or other on a daily basis. For me, the best way to manage it is to be proactive about what I can control, while remembering to take time to be kind to myself. Yoga, meditation, or enjoying a nice cup of tea while journaling has really helped me to stay calm and focused. 

Without stress, I don't think we would push ourselves as hard or achieve as much. Too much stress, though, can be damaging to mental and physical health. This week, I want to remind you all to take time to be kind to yourself, and remember--"one foot in front of the other."

I'm curious--how do you manage your stress?
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