Weekly Topic: General exercise/workout recommendations

Mello B

Let me guess! Sometimes your days are just way too hectic and there is not enough

time to spare for the gym; You have been trying to budget for your gym fees but your finances are just not there yet. Believe I get it! A lot of working-class people experience the same conundrum. Well, today we are going to talk about five (5) easy ways to get your workout on while taking into consideration your financial and timing constraints.

Walk to work/school

This recommendation is mostly for people living within walking distance of their school or work. Once it’s not more than say a 20-25 minute walk then take advantage of the opportunity to get some exercise in. Even if you take the train/bus coming off one stop before yours to walk is not a bad idea. 

I currently live within a 20-minute walking distance from my work and I walk every morning. Even if I take the train I would still be required to walk 13 minutes so I decided that it would be more practical for me both health-wise and financially to walk.

Take the Stairs as often as you can

I know that we have gotten so comfortable taking the elevator/escalator and it's hard to imagine choosing to walk up 10 flights of stairs. However, that just maybe the extra 10 minutes of exercise your body has been crying for. 

Use the stairs at work and if you live in a house or an apartment with more than one floor use the stairs there as well. Here’s is a fun thought if you have a bathroom upstairs and one downstairs, try using the one downstairs every now and again to get some steps in. 

Buy a bicycle for short distance errands

Do you own a bicycle? If you do then kudos to you. You are either thinking about your carbon footprint or know its a good way to get your cardio on OR BOTH. 

If you are making a quick supermarket run or heading to the produce store nearby, consider riding the distance instead of driving. It might not seem like much but the minutes do add up. 

Exercise around the house

This one I find can be the most fun. If you're leaving from one room to another use this as an opportunity to do some lunges. Lunge is that exercise where one leg is positioned forward with knee bent and foot flat on the ground while the other leg is positioned behind. Moving squats can also be fun.

Another great idea is to make use of free YouTube exercise videos. There are plenty of YouTube trainers to choose from with videos of varying lengths. It’s easy to find one that you’re comfortable with in regard to level and time. 

Stop doing the bare minimum

If we are being honest with ourselves, sometimes we do only the bare minimum physical effort needed to get through the day. Get rid of that couch potato mentally. Who says you can’t lift some hand weights at home while watching your favorite TV show. 

Maybe you love watching YouTube music videos. Well, turn on that one that makes you want to dance. Get up on your feet and let out your inner Mick Jagger. That’s what I do except its reggae music and I’m actually letting out my inner Bob Marley. 

Note: These few guidelines along with dieting has helped me to lose 20lbs

I hope these tips were helpful. If you want to talk about these tips among other topics, how about booking one of my free conversation lessons? See the link below:


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This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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